NYC Mayor Adams expands involuntary confinement of more mentally ill after violent subway attacks – IOTW Report

NYC Mayor Adams expands involuntary confinement of more mentally ill after violent subway attacks


New York City Mayor Eric Adams has expanded the city’s ability to address the problem of mentally unstable residents, expanding the guidelines for what behaviors justify involuntary commitment.

“If severe mental illness is causing someone to be unsheltered and a danger to themselves, we have a moral obligation to help them get the treatment and care they need,” Adams said Tuesday in announcing the change. 

City workers had previously been instructed to limit the involuntary commitment program, known as Kendra’s Law, only to people who presented an imminent threat to themselves or to others. more

11 Comments on NYC Mayor Adams expands involuntary confinement of more mentally ill after violent subway attacks

  1. actually all of nyc is mentally ill the only question is to what degree are they mentally ill. Would it be wrong to hope and pray a meteorite strikes NYC and sinks it into the Atlantic?

  2. I don’t necessarily have a problem with these actions, although I have zero trust in those doing it. Here in Santa Monica area (I am visiting) I see daily posts about homeless people randomly attacking innocent people. Something has to be done.
    Of course it’s trying to stop the flow of a wound that should never have happened in the first place, like most other parts of the country.

  3. OldCoot – More right than wrong!
    How many times have we seen the Left accuse Conservatives of being crazy terrorists?
    Leaving the definition of “mentally ill” up to Left is risky bidness!!


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