NYC Mayor Adams tests positive for COVID – IOTW Report

NYC Mayor Adams tests positive for COVID

JTN: Infection linked to Gridiron Club ‘super spreader’.
The mayor abruptly canceled all in-person appearances Sunday, which marked his 100th day in office.

As many as 72 people who attended the event reportedly have since tested positive for the virus including Attorney General Merrick Garland, Commerce Secretary Gina Raimondo and California Democratic Rep. Adam Schiff. more

11 Comments on NYC Mayor Adams tests positive for COVID

  1. Yeah, but instead of spending money on REAL preventative treatment for this flu, Eric says, “let’s buy giant billboards to plant in Florida saying, GAY GAY GAY all over them”.


  2. Because all the showy “not-a-vax injections” for the Elites were probably saline.

    Getting SARS-CoV-2 is now the newest Lefty virtue signaling bona fides, like they’re special and we should all fawn over the grifters.

  3. May I repeat myself.
    Fake politicians, with a fake virus, that will take another $Trillion in fake money to cure.
    Quick slam’em on a respirator and 84% of them will die.

    I think every congress persons and family should have to disclose their stocks.
    Somebody’s making money or it wouldn’t be happening.


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