NYC Mayor Gave No-Bid Contract to a Friend to Print Funded Debit Cards For Illegals – IOTW Report

NYC Mayor Gave No-Bid Contract to a Friend to Print Funded Debit Cards For Illegals

The friend will be making hundreds of thousands of dollars to fund $1,000 debit cards for any “illegal-looking” anonymous parasite that asks for one. In fact, with no ID needed, anyone can turn their “F*ck White People” teeshirt inside out and get back in line.

Somebody needs to be strung up by their heels in the town square.

Either there is no money for this or taxpayers have been over-taxed, there is no in between.

A civil war will come, but it won’t be between black and white or left and right. It will be people versus politicians. All the people who were getting the vapors over J6 people threatening to lynch Mike Pence will be asking, “Where is the rope?”


11 Comments on NYC Mayor Gave No-Bid Contract to a Friend to Print Funded Debit Cards For Illegals

  1. Nothing much gets the attention of all of the Democrat or and establishment Republicans and those connected to appointed and elected officials other than an opportunity to enrich themselves, family, “friends” (campaign contributors and sycophants, they actually don’t have any friends in the traditional sense), and colleagues (those who are “in with the in crowd” and can can play the you scratch my back and i’ll scratch yours game) at the expense of the tax paying public. Absolutely NOTHING.

    The reason for this being exposed by the media is because the Mayor went and got himself on the shit list. It is a message to other Mayors, Governors etc that The Party knows where all of the bodies are buried and you better mind your P’s and Q’s.

  2. I wonder if the Balcony Leaps, Defenstrations and other Gravity related accidents that swept across European Travel destinations followed by some time in San Francisco, will now start appearingin New York Heights?

    What with all the Banking Games going on there.

    As Cletus said “Good Googly Moogly, this gonna be good”


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