NYC Mayor Unveils Gun Scanners in Subway Amid Violent Crime Surge – IOTW Report

NYC Mayor Unveils Gun Scanners in Subway Amid Violent Crime Surge


New York City mayor Eric Adams (D.) on Thursday announced the city will start using gun scanners in its subway stations amid a surge in violent crime in recent months.

Adams unveiled a freestanding gun scanner at Manhattan’s Fulton Transit Center on Thursday. “This is our Sputnik moment. Like when Kennedy said we’re going to put a man on the moon … let’s bring on the scanners,” the mayor said, adding that the weapon detection system would not record any commuter’s face or identification. more

9 Comments on NYC Mayor Unveils Gun Scanners in Subway Amid Violent Crime Surge

  1. They have complete disdain for the born here, honest, hard working, tax paying, patriotic American. Even tho he was Baptized by Al Sharpton he needs to burn in hell.


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