NYC Resorts to Windshield Boots to Get Parking Tickets Paid – IOTW Report

NYC Resorts to Windshield Boots to Get Parking Tickets Paid

nbc Connecticut

The NYPD debuted a new weapon in its war against parking violators late Thursday, flashing a “windshield boot” for the first time.

Also called a “Barnacle Device,” the boot is used to immobilize vehicles violating parking regulations. In some cases, people have been able to outmaneuver boots on their wheels. This aims to stop that, police say. More

18 Comments on NYC Resorts to Windshield Boots to Get Parking Tickets Paid

  1. Google it. Mostly plastic with two suction cups.
    Wouldn’t be hard to defeat for someone determined enough but you would need to use caution so as not to harm windshield.

  2. There are ways around it. There are always ways around things meant to control you.

    Take California’s banned “assault weapon” features meant to make your rifle illegal, for instance. Didn’t seem to take very long to come up with modifications to get around them.

    People are creative. You could install removable/replaceable windshields, for one.

    Tyrants always think in limited ways. Bless their heart.

  3. Stiff, tapered flat rod that slips under the suction cup against the windshield to relieve the vacuum. Have done it with smaller suction cup devices that wouldn’t come loose!


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