NYC Roundly Mocked For Trying To Redesign Old Glory – IOTW Report

NYC Roundly Mocked For Trying To Redesign Old Glory

Daily Caller

The New York Times published an opinion article Tuesday that offered six new designs for the American flag, prompting a wave of criticism and mockery on social media. More

For a look at some of these beauties, Gutfeld reviewed three of redesigns on his show last night, at the 16:00 mark. Watch

14 Comments on NYC Roundly Mocked For Trying To Redesign Old Glory

  1. Hell, I Have a Betsy Ross in my window just to PISS OFF my Neighbours, and I’m in Canuckistan FFS!

    (Don’t have a Canadian one anymore. Something happened to it last Turdeau Election #2 Heh Heh Heh.)

  2. “Holy Milley’s Ribbons, Batman! What kind of fiend would do that to Old Glory??!!”

    “Robin, my hunch is that we’re looking at the product of the twisted mind of…The Journo.”

  3. What? No fascist “anti-fa” images? No “Black Lives Matter” elements? No “Occupy” stuff? Hmmm.

    Yeah, let’s talk about redesigning our national symbol because then we can erase everyone and thing associated with our founding. Who do they think they’re kidding?

  4. I am proud to have served under that ragged old flag. Leave it the hell alone for the sake of all the veterans who have proudly served and died for this country. I hate the left, everything they touch or try to screw up they destroy. I have my dad’s American flag (USAF 1947-1950) which I received as the the oldest son at my dads funeral and I want my son to receive my flag after I’m gone as well.


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