NYC will vote to allow non-citizens to vote in municipal elections – IOTW Report

NYC will vote to allow non-citizens to vote in municipal elections


New York City lawmakers are poised to allow more than 800,000 New Yorkers who are green card holders or have the legal right to work in the United States to vote in municipal elections and for local ballot initiatives.

The bill, known as “Our City, Our Vote,” would make New York City the largest municipality in the country to allow noncitizens to vote in local elections.

The legislation, expected to be approved by the City Council on Dec. 9 by a veto-proof margin, comes as the country is dealing with a swath of new laws to impose voter restrictions, as well as the economic and demographic effects of a decline in immigration.

“It’s important for the Democratic Party to look at New York City and see that when voting rights are being attacked, we are expanding voter participation,” said Ydanis Rodriguez, a councilman who sponsored the bill and represents Washington Heights in upper Manhattan.

The legislation, first introduced almost two years ago, is the culmination of more than a decade of work to gain local voting rights for some legal permanent residents. It also extends the right to those with work authorization, such as the “Dreamers,” recipients of a program known as DACA that shields young immigrants brought into the country illegally from deportation and allows them to live and work here.


11 Comments on NYC will vote to allow non-citizens to vote in municipal elections

  1. “The legislation, expected to be approved by the City Council on Dec. 9 by a veto-proof margin, comes as the country is dealing with a swath of new laws to impose voter restrictions, as well as the economic and demographic effects of a decline in immigration.”

    That’s a lot of misinformation packed into one sentence.

  2. I am not opposed to the idea of allowing permanent residents to vote in local elections. I considered proposing it here. Keeping the municipal elections separate from state and federal elections should not be difficult, however, those inclined to abuse the voting system would find it easy to schedule municipal elections to coincide with state and federal elections.

    I don’t think that liberals understand the demographic. Most legal residents I know are law and order types who lean right and are generally opposed to illegal immigration. Even extending out to “dreamers” may be unproductive. Extending out to those with work permits goes way beyond “dreamers” and might start giving expected returns.

  3. For over 60 years the UNIPARTY has implied that Americans are nothing “special”. In NYC they no longer are implying; THEY ARE LOUDLY PROCLAIMING Americans are not better than aliens!

    Which is precisely what conservatives said they meant 60 years ago. But UNIPARTY SAID NOT TRUE. UNIPARTY lied then and lies today.

  4. NY politicians, City Council, and the Board of Elections are as corrupt as the day is long, yet starve out minorities and deny them their rights to live as humans. Add that the polluted and temp Gov Hochul has permitted legislation to allow druggies to get off on pubic properties, confirming her hatred for any non-white who’s a drug user/addict. In her estimation, any white person who uses and dies from an OD in public is merely collateral damage.

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