NYPD investigating criticism of Islamists as hate crime – IOTW Report

NYPD investigating criticism of Islamists as hate crime

Blazing Cat Fur

Freedom of speech? I’m sorry, we don’t have that anymore. It’s Bill de Blasio time. It’s Obama time. It’s Jihad time…


17 Comments on NYPD investigating criticism of Islamists as hate crime

  1. False flag.

    Look at the syntax: “Go to your country”, “USA hates you”, “Terrorists and Bastards”.

    That was not written by someone who speaks American English as their native language. This is the work of someone who speaks English as a second language trying to impersonate an American.

  2. I think what pisses me off the most is that while lefty progs like Obama, De Blasio, Reid etc dismantle the protections against terrorism (like the border) when the shit hits the fan you know they have a nice safe bunker or hidey hole to go to where they’ll be protected.

  3. NYPD is investigating this? On whose orders? How about we all join for a pig roast at One Police Plaza on September 11, 2014. Wonder if Che DeBlasio would approve a permit?

  4. Even if it was written by an American, what part of it is “Hate Speech”? There’s nothing there that would offend the Muzzbuckets. I mean, “Go to your country”, ok, they are all very loyal and proud of their respective shitholes, so what’s offensive about suggesting they go home? There’s no place like home! “USA hates you! You’re terrorists and bastards”. That’s what they want! They hate us and want us to hate them and for us to live in terror and curse them, so that’s not offensive! It’s like a Lib calling me a racist, it means I’m winning. And finally, “You are the second Holocaust”… WELL DUH!!! NO SHIT SHERLOCK, That’s the entire motivation behind Jizzlam and the JEEhad, to exterminate the JOOOOOS!!!

    This isn’t hate speech, it’s a promototional flyer!!!

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