NYPD Records Reveal “Anti-Semitism Crisis,” 83% Increase in Hate Crimes – IOTW Report

NYPD Records Reveal “Anti-Semitism Crisis,” 83% Increase in Hate Crimes

Bongino: NYPD records reveal that anti-Semitic attacks are rampant throughout the city, according to a new Wall Street Journal report cited by the Daily Wire.

Statistics reveal that hate crimes have increased 83 percent since last year and City Counsel speaker Corey Johnson deemed the problem an “anti-Semitism crisis.”

“Our residents should feel free to worship without fear–and yet they can’t right now,” Johnson told the Wall Street Journal. “We have an anti-Semitism crisis in New York. It’s a national problem, but New York accounts for way too many incidents”

The Journal reports:

The New York Police Department had 176 complaints of hate crimes from Jan. 1 to May 19, the most recent date for which the data is available, according to figures provided to The Wall Street Journal. That is an 83% increase in hate-crime complaints across all categories, compared with the same period in 2018.

The New York City Council created the Office of Hate Crime Prevention in January to coordinate city agencies’ efforts to address illegal bias incidents. …


3 Comments on NYPD Records Reveal “Anti-Semitism Crisis,” 83% Increase in Hate Crimes

  1. A skeptic would conclude that the new wave of hate crimes coincides with Obama’s forced influx of 5th century middle east primitives.
    These vicious animals mix with western populations like oil and water. Another brilliant contribution to our society provided by the cancerous thinking of the left.


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