NYPD remove ‘Occupy City Hall’ demonstrators from public encampment during pre-dawn raid – IOTW Report

NYPD remove ‘Occupy City Hall’ demonstrators from public encampment during pre-dawn raid

Police in tactical gear cleared the area Wednesday morning, following nearly a month of the demonstration, which had begun attracting a significant homeless population. MORE

6 Comments on NYPD remove ‘Occupy City Hall’ demonstrators from public encampment during pre-dawn raid

  1. Some backround on this? Cuomo, believe it or not, was the broker between the POTUS and the Big Bird communist mayor, done for Cuomo’s own political ass to save, and the POTUS knows this, so the pressure was ON, NOT for the POTUS but for the POSGOVNYS.

    DeCommio, Big Bird, was given an ultimatum from the POTUS via the governor of NY.

    This is one of those DJT ‘chess’ moves we here about.

    IF Sonny wants to do something he could send in the NYS National Gaurd, but the pipsqeek won’t.

  2. “…deteriorated into a makeshift outdoors homeless shelter, suffering from periodic bouts of violence and constant disorder.”

    …so, they were Democrats is what you’re saying…

  3. So, what is this much feared “tactical gear”? Sounds more like PPE to me.

    Don’t they have snow plows and front end loaders in NYC to deal with the garbage on the street in winter?


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