NYPD Talking About A 4th of July Strike – IOTW Report

NYPD Talking About A 4th of July Strike

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Flyers are circulating among New York City police officers calling for a “strike” on July 4 in order to give people a taste of what a world without police would be like.

This follows comments from Governor Andrew Cuomo on NPR on Monday where he said if people don’t want the police force, “they shouldn’t have it.”

It looks like at least some NYPD officers want to take the governor at his word. More

There was a police strike in Montreal in 1969, called the Murray Hill Riots. Here and Here

16 Comments on NYPD Talking About A 4th of July Strike

  1. On topic: why wait??
    Strike NOW.
    …because you can do a LOT of dying between now and the 4th, and your Mayor and Governor would only cheer your murderers on, and get your SSN out so you can vote forever Democrat…

  2. You mean the same cops that only show up to arrest militia while the left-wing riots and pulls down statues?

    Maybe they all should go on strike, then the militia will not be hindered.

  3. Chuckie
    JUNE 19, 2020 AT 11:08 PM

    …I never followed football ardently and never CFL, but since they basically end up with the lower-tier players anyway as I understand it, they will probably get vocal about SJW stuff to hide their basic uselessness…after all, that’s what Kapernick did when it was clear he was an inferior player, and the teams in the NFL that kneeled FIRST were ALSO the teams that were the WORST…

  4. Why wait?
    Mortgage, car payments, insurance, student debt, taxes, utilities, credit card debt, retirement savings, etc.
    The same reason the rest of us do what we’re told in order to collect our pay, we’re debt slaves.

  5. @Answerman Cooper – can I buy you a drink? Whateva ya like.

    TO others, but wait? Wait for what?? And NO one wants to talk about, over zealous UNIONS. Sshhhhh. The Fourth of July falls on a….Saturday!

    Then?! Let’s just telegraph to the ‘enemy’ what we plan on doing!!

    By doing this is nothing than more than provoking a reaction on a major holy day for most Americans. And the others will use it against us(a).

  6. Maybe Seattle police should strike on the 4th, too. That way, 5,000 bikers on their CHOPpers could have their way with CHOP.

    “Look, Daddy, they’re setting off fireworks on Capitol Hill!”

    “Those aren’t fireworks, son.”


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