NYS Charges You To Die – IOTW Report

NYS Charges You To Die

When you die in NY State, the funeral home assesses a 5 dollar charge called a “Vandalism Fee.” This is a charge mandated by the state in order to fund a pool which cemeteries can call upon if their grounds are vandalized.

It’s noble. Consecrated ground going un-repaired because of a lack of resources would be a sin.

Here’s the problem. The state takes in much more than it doles out. What do they do with that money?

What do you think? They pocket it and use it for whatever else they want to.

Andrew Cuomo had a chance to sign a bill that would designate the resources for finances associated with the funeral and cemetery business.

He vetoed it.

I can think of a burial plot I could vandalize in the future. And by vandalize, I mean piss upon.


ht/ js

11 Comments on NYS Charges You To Die

  1. Here’s another one that they’ve been trying to raid for decades and to this point it hasn’t been allowed to happen. Part of the reason is the EVIL NRA screams bloody murder every time they try.

    I’m always surprised when I come in contact with those who have never heard of the act and don’t know the ongoing hundreds and hundreds of millions that have gone to conservation from it. Money not words, like from PETA, HSUS, ETC.


  2. This is the practice all over the world in politics. Create a tax that serves a useful purpose then pile all money raised into general revenue for use elsewhere then bitch and raise it when you’ve blown all the money on other projects.

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