NYT Admits Red Counties Have More Natural Immunity Than Blue Counties – IOTW Report

NYT Admits Red Counties Have More Natural Immunity Than Blue Counties

National Pulse

The New York Times appears to be reluctantly admitting that Republican (“Red”) counties across the United States have developed more lasting, long-term immunity against COVID-19 than their Democratic or “Blue” counterparts. More

19 Comments on NYT Admits Red Counties Have More Natural Immunity Than Blue Counties

  1. Well, it seems that the democrat/chicom plan to get rid of President Trump, has backfired dramatically. The only question is how the MSM will ignore all the bodies of the jabbed piling up.

  2. The Times graphic only shows “Covid deaths”. Deaths FROM Covid or deaths WITH Covid. Big difference. Also, what about rates of infection? How about treatment after infection? Finally, the chart is distorted, the difference between red and blue county deaths is between 10 and 20 out of 100,000; a 0.01% difference.

  3. “Doh!! That’s because covid is rampant among the stupid unvaxxed…”

    The CDC lies to you and you believe it. The key to avoiding the RONA is to train, work out. That’s why more LIBTARDS DIE FROM the RONA than conservatives. By nature their just to fat and lazy to train.

  4. “Wait forever”

    I have as much statistical information as the CDC has.
    I’ve been in the gym non stop, with a supposedly compromised immune system, not only have I been un effected by the RONA but nobody that attends the two gyms I go to have been effected. I’m not the only one that believes this. Ian Smith from Atilis Gym started this theory first. For the same reason I stated above.

  5. Unvaxxed and alive?

    The entire continent of AFRICA.

    For a virus with a 99% survival rate you sure seem to think it’s worse than the plague.

    Not enough drama in your day to day life? You need to fantasy panic over nothing on order to get your rocks off?

    Show me the mass graves of the unvaxxed.

  6. Learn how to Google

    Women love my technique. I bet the boys love yours faggot. What does what you just typed have to do with the last thing I typed? Nothing. Looks like you’ve already received your free Biden Crack Pipe.


    “Since 1925, however, Africa has also has seen a steady rise in its life expectancy. … While the average life expectancy stayed at 26.4 years of age for over a century, it has since risen by over 30 years, with an average life expectancy of 60 years of age in 2015.”


    African life expectancy has been RISING for the last 100 years. If covid was as lethal as you pretend it is, that trend would be reversed.

    I cited my fact. What can you do? Call names, rely on what you “assume” to be true because you’re brainwashed and confused.

    Use your noodle. Read. Look at facts. Then spout some ridiculous B.S. What you’re doing now is just spouting ridiculous B.S. without the facts.

    That’s just lazy writing.

  8. No. Covid is rampant amongst the vaxxed. It just happens to be the covid you have to get a test to see if you have it.

    “I think I’m dying of covid!”

    “You have a cold, and probably are a faggot.”

    “I’m vaccinated!”

    You fucking vax morons are the worst of the worst. You get vaccines and boosters and still whine when you get the sniffles.

    It’s the Prius Effect.


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