NYT Asks: Do Old People Smell? – IOTW Report

NYT Asks: Do Old People Smell?


I mentioned my question to a group of women writers, ranging from 40 to 70, and got drastically different responses. The younger women said yes, there’s an odor associated with aging. But to the older women it sounded like ageism and a few took offense.

At 52, I felt a little prickly about it myself, but also in need of information. If there was anything I could do to improve my personal scent, now and in the future, I wanted to know. So I consulted two scientists from a renowned research lab and ran into the very same split. More

38 Comments on NYT Asks: Do Old People Smell?

  1. Life’s a bitch and then somebody farts.
    I smell of cigarettes and Jim Beam. I’m too comfortable to give a shit if anyone finds my odor offensive.
    Besides, I have to smell lot’s of offensive odors all day, perfumes, etc. I deal.

  2. Old men especially white men smell. I remember the smell of my grandfather and grand-uncles and ever since then I smell old men. It’s a combination of sweat and some aroma they give off.

    I use shower stuff and toilet water so I don’t smell (I’m an old man now myself you see!)

    Old fat ladies smell like cats and twinkles.

  3. Babies smell like babies. Why shouldn’t old people smell like old people?

    My Great Uncle Don was a WW1 vet. He definitely smelled. He smelled like old bay rum aftershave, pipe tobacco, worn leather and brandy.

    When I knew him he was in his 80’s. Best dressed man I ever saw.

    No idea what boomers smell like, I imagine its rather like cat pee.

  4. face it … when people get older they don’t bathe as much, don’t change clothes as much, & don’t wash clothes as much, have little dogs, cats or birds (that give off odors) … & don’t remember to perform daily personal hygiene as much

    & they just don’t GaS!

  5. Seriously though. I’ve worked for and with ‘old’ people, and none of them smelled.
    I have, though, worked with young people who always seemed to smell of heavy cologne, because they were usually trying to hide the underlying smell of

    1. liquor
    2. weed
    3. both

    NYT can suck a bag of smelly Tequila soaked dicks.

  6. I’m 50 and the hubby is 55. He definitely has acquired what we playfully call his “old man smell”. It’s not unpleasant, but it’s also not the vigorous scent of a 25 year old. Just keeping it real.

  7. Do old people smell??

    Hell yes, I smell the stench of millennials being indoctrinated by smelly liberal dems.

    I smell the hate from liberals perpetually assaulting my sensibilities.

    I smell the relentless attacks from liberals against our Constitution.

    I smell the commie support for liberals from the MSM.

    Do old people smell?….you damn right we do and we despise the pukey foulness of anti-Americans hell-bent on destroying the greatest nation that ever existed.

  8. worked in a 12-story office building for the last 15 years of my ‘career’ & I learned to never get into an elevator w/’professional’ women that wore wigs, did fake nails, loud lipstick & weight over 200 lbs, wearing dresses that were way too tight for their ponderous frames w/ the tops of their breasts poking up. the overpowered of gallons of cologne, applied with, I can only assume, an industrial sprayer to mask their odor, so they don’t need to take a shower for one more day! would literally bring tears to my eyes & I’d hurriedly hit the elevator button to bail out on the next floor before I started retching. Sometimes I’d get into an empty elevator car, only to back out because someone’s odor would linger long after they polluted it up. I’ve worked in Sewage Treatment Plants that didn’t affect me like that.

    got into the habit of only taking the elevator if I had to go more than 5 floors up (first 2 floors were double sets of stairs because of the tall lobbies)

    also .. worked w/ a guy who thought the funniest thing in the world was to get in a crowded elevator & fart … then look at someone next to him & say, “was that you? whew!”

  9. …when I was working on cars, I learned quickly that I had to open a window, or maybe even not close the door, if it belonged to an Arab or Egyptian of ANY age. The thing seemed to be that they came from places where water bathing wasn’t really a “thing”, and because this was WAY before Barry and the Islamic Hirja, they didn’t have the numbers to force “tolerance” on us, and they KNEW we found them funky, but didn’t know how to bathe, or maybe just didn’t care to do so.

    Most of them, therefore, seemed to hit on “perfume” as a solution. And not Shalimar or Channel in 5 oz. sprays, but the Dollar Store kind by the 55 gallon drum, into which they dunked their heads, by the smell.

    It didn’t really help alleviate the funkitude, or even mask it, but instead set up a warring smell of cloying floriality, like dead roses left to rot near a sewer grate until they liquefied, with the liquid squeezed out into a rankly sweetish paste, sort of a high, gassy smell like a dead, drown body that didn’t die well, then was left out in the sun until it mummified.

    The effect, then, was an intense competition between pools of vileness, an assault on the nostrils of funk/floral foetor that was ground into the seats of the vehicle it was my massive misfortune to have to temporarily pilot. I would literally hang out of the open door in some cases, with no more of my body in the car than absolutely necessary, and breathing only by mouth, and in short gasps.

    And God forbid it needed a diagnostic test drive. The very THOUGHT induced nausea, and this was AFTER I started running Squad and had become inured to smells of vomit, blood, roughly cooked flesh, and ACTUAL dead bodies.

    …I’ll take the slighly mothbally, vaugely urinous, soup-whiff smell of a semicomatise nonagenarian over THAT, ANY day of the week.


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