NYT: Biden’s Family Tells Him to Keep Fighting as They Huddle at Camp David – IOTW Report

NYT: Biden’s Family Tells Him to Keep Fighting as They Huddle at Camp David


President Biden’s family is urging him to stay in the race and keep fighting despite last week’s disastrous debate performance, even as some members of his clan privately expressed exasperation at how he was prepared for the event by his staff, people close to the situation said on Sunday.

Mr. Biden huddled with his wife, children and grandchildren at Camp David while he tried to figure out how to tamp down Democratic anxiety. While his relatives are acutely aware of how poorly he did against former President Donald J. Trump, they argued that he could still show the country that he is capable of serving for another four years. more

35 Comments on NYT: Biden’s Family Tells Him to Keep Fighting as They Huddle at Camp David

  1. HOW the hell can they blame the staff for his piss poor performance? They didn’t have a GD thing to work with but a decrepit, felony stupid, sob with dementia.

  2. “…last week’s disastrous debate performance…”

    Tomorrow, they’ll be referring to it as “last month’s unfortunate debate performance”. I expect the media to rally in lockstep behind Biden starting tomorrow, as they have been signaled to do by Obama, the deep state, the IC and the Uniparty. They have calculated that the other options are too complicated and divisive to their fragile unity. They will be heavily and repetitively minimizing what we all saw and embargoing as much video as possible from their true believers, while calling stuff they can’t censor “deep fakes”. And of course, they’ll be depending on what our VP has called “the significance of the passage of time”.

    None of this is to say that they won’t get rid of Joe in ways that allow them to get somebody else on the ballot everywhere, and in time to print new phony ballots. But right now they must appear to be loyal and faithful to their President, so that if something tragic should happen, they will appear to be above reproach. As far as circumstance and motive, anyway. So Biden is back, and you’d better watch what you say about him now. Got that, CNN? This is all your fault.

  3. @Tony R:

    And the Biden DOJ protects the Biden crime family’s money laundering, Biden’s and the DNC’s (and countless others) 2020 election steal, Hillary Clinton, and, President Obama and his DOJ’s and participants in Russiagate against President Trump, etc.

  4. No regrouping necessary. They’re just vacationing, as usual.

    DNC is stuck with the feckess, brain dead, corrupt, fraudulent, racist perverted, lying fraud who has never delivered for Americans.

    To the Bidens, only Bidens count. Except granddaughter Navy.

  5. Who the hell knows what went down at Camp David? Other than we absolutely, 100%, beyond all doubt know for a fact that whatever the corporate media reports has no relationship whatsoever, in any way, shape or form, any consistency with the facts. Other than that, we know nothing.

  6. General Malaise: Just as often happened with the USSR, if Biden is replaced he will become persona non grata and may be prosecuted even if his Democrat replacement “wins.”

    He will thought of as being no more useful than yesterday’s condom.

  7. “keep fighting….”

    That’s useful encouragement when all hope is lost, but totally worthless when there is NO hope.

    Lying, liberal democrats have NO idea when to quit and when to shoot themselves in the head, (which is probably why they hate guns).

    Plus, “keep fighting” gives them more thinking time because they have reached the bottom of the barrel.

  8. I hope Pres Trump doesn’t do another debate. If asked he should tell them no I think it’d be the same outcome as first debate. And that he thinks it’s cruel to do that to a man with dementia.

  9. Biden’s crime family is scared witless. They really are delaying what’s inevitable, trying to keep Dementia Joe in the race. As soon as Biden is removed from office by losing the election, becoming incapacitated, removed through the 25th Amendment or gets a dirt nap courtesy of the Deep State it’s over for them, too.

    The Bidens will become declared personas non grata by the Democrats. They will lose their “protect” from indictment and procecution…or any other grim fate they deserve, especially Hunter.

    Also, it may be discovered “Dr.” Jill has been more involved in the Biden criminal enterprise than anyone knows. Besides, she just knows too much. Guaranteed, the Obamas will make sure she stays quiet…permanently. It’s going to get ugly for the Bidens after Old Joe’s pResidency is finished. They are done.

  10. My guess is that the Retarded Pedophile Usurper is only vaguely aware of any discussions going on about his campaign.
    Ice cream, pudding pops, and diaper changes are his major concerns.

    The evil harridan “Dr” Jill is the only one who has a stake in staying in the White Hut – Joey’s clueless – one mansion is pretty much like another when you’re living in a total white-out fog.

    God will deal with him when his time comes.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  11. Doc Jill and the rest of the grifter family want to fill their bank accounts a bit more before retirement so they need to keep “The Big Guy” in office as the meat puppet.

  12. Trying to kick the can down the road for another four years. The rest of the Democrats were engaged in discussions that mirror the huddle of the corporate masters prior to the last scene in the movie Network.

  13. BE CAREFUL, there is nothing more dangerous than a cornered animal. In this case the cornered animal(s) is the Biden Crime Family/New World Order cabal. Wouldn’t take too much to kick off WWIII and I doubt we’d see a world returned to “normal” for many generations.


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