NYT Can’t Tell Their Serena from Their Venus – IOTW Report

NYT Can’t Tell Their Serena from Their Venus


The far-left New York Times published a photo of  Venus Williams in a story about her sister, Serena.

In other words, the lily-white, left-wing New York Times, a propaganda outlet that lectures the rest of the world about racism, has a problem telling their black people apart. More

23 Comments on NYT Can’t Tell Their Serena from Their Venus

  1. “I don’t know if I ever saw a more unattractive looking set of twins. I know that’s mean but man O’Day.”

    Reminds me of the time, a few years ago, when the Russian Tennis Federation head called them the “Williams Brothers.” Also stated, “They were scary to look at.” Serena immediately came back with the race card. How does race come into play if you look more like a man??

  2. For the NYT it’s not just that all negroes look alike – they believe that all negroes are IDENTICAL – in thought, word, and deed – a mass of black to be manipulated.

    Of course, the negroes (for the most part) are living up to it.
    (same as the ragheads, the jews, the honkies, the left-coasters, &c.)

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  3. Don’t feel bad, I can’t tell the difference between Amos and Andy, Key and Peele, or Milli and Vanilli.

    Venus is a class act, Serena, not so much.

    I met the dad, Richard Williams, about 10 years ago. What he did with those 2 girls on the dirty public courts of Compton was inspiring. Before then, tennis was a rich man’s sport, he introduced it to the hoi polloi, and popularity exploded.


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