NYT Declares No Obamacare “Death Spiral,” For Insurers – IOTW Report

NYT Declares No Obamacare “Death Spiral,” For Insurers

Referencing to a recent report by Standards & Poors, the New York Times has found the silver lining in the Obamacare fiasco. That profits for health insurers are expected to bounce back after years of taking losses.


7 Comments on NYT Declares No Obamacare “Death Spiral,” For Insurers

  1. If it keeps swirling, it means the drain is partially clogged … to much shit in the pipe, so to speak … or the vent’s inoperative … not enough fresh air, so to speak.
    Need a plunger to shove the turds down through the stoppage.
    That’s what Trump, Ryan, and McConnell should have been doing since the inauguration, instead of jerking each other off.

    izlamo delenda est …

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