NYT Discovers Shht-Shaming – IOTW Report

NYT Discovers Shht-Shaming

Down With The Pootriarchy!
-The New York Times has published an article that discovers a new cause for feminist maniacs to rage against. 

20 Comments on NYT Discovers Shht-Shaming

  1. Work is not grade school, who stands up at a meeting and says excuse me I need to use the bathroom, can I please have the hall pass?! Made up inequality crap. How much did we pay for that meaningless fake study?!

  2. Do the girls/ladies have to raise their hands and say that they have take a # 1 or a # 2 when they use the potty at work? And for a Star trek version of the Winnie the Pooh joke. Why were Spock and Dr. McCoy looking in the toilet? They were looking for the Captains log.

  3. When I did work in commercial office spaces we would often notice ladies take leave with their purses to the restroom. When they came back about 20 minutes later they would look like they just had a makeover and they would smell like the perfume counters of a department store. Smell was nauseous at times.

  4. I worked in production at a bentonite clay packaging plant. Straight 8 hour shift. If you were in the bathroom any time but break time it meant someone else had to handle the 100 lb. bags that you were supposed to stack. No one was gonna put up with a bathroom dweller for very long. S**t on your own time.

  5. I remember laughing in my HS biology class when I heard the teacher use the word defecate. I’d never heard that word before since it was always referred to as poop, crap, shit, taking a dump etc. It’s even worse when you work in a state intuition for the developmentally disabled and it’s referred as just a bowel movement.

  6. OT a bit – pet peeve. It doesn’t take that long to drop Kaepernick off at the Super Bowl. Yet people occupy limited stall space for 5 minutes or more. Phones should not be allowed in the shitter.

  7. @DougW.

    They sit in there waiting for people to leave. They listen for the door to close then its bombs away, with the sound track we all are familiar with. We all do it.

    However, I will not do the drop Kaepernick thing at work unless I absolutely have to. I prefer my own, worn out terlet seat to something other people sit on.


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