NYT Eats Crow After Trump Tax Return Proves Major Story Wrong – IOTW Report

NYT Eats Crow After Trump Tax Return Proves Major Story Wrong

DC: The White House released President Trump’s tax return from 2005 on Tuesday, which showed that he paid $38 million on $150 million in income. This disproves the premise of a major New York Times story in the lead-up to the November election.

The Oct. 1 Times story was headlined: “Donald Trump Tax Records Show He Could Have Avoided Taxes for Nearly Two Decades, The Times Found.” The New York Times reporters wrote: “Donald J. Trump declared a $916 million loss on his 1995 income tax returns, a tax deduction so substantial it could have allowed him to legally avoid paying any federal income taxes for up to 18 years, records obtained by The New York Times show.”


15 Comments on NYT Eats Crow After Trump Tax Return Proves Major Story Wrong

  1. More evidence that PDT punked ’em then, he’s punking them now, he’ll punk them again and there’s not a damned thing the MSM can do about it.

    I jingle the leash and my dog comes running every time. Even though half the time he gets ear drops instead of a walk.

  2. Illegally obtained. That’s a Federal felony –up to 5 years. Commission entails lots of other felonies, each with its own charges.
    I’m fine with every reporter, editor etc associated with this, including Maddox, facing criminal charges.
    Make the MSM squirm.

    Crimes have consequences.

    Ratings could soon be the least of their worries.

  3. “Just one more question, Ms. Maddow, if you don’t mind.”

    “Anything for you, Detective Columbo. Just ask.”

    “Thank you. Now I really feel silly for asking this, but it’s been bugging me since last night. Naaah, it’s just crazy. Forget it.”

    “Nonsense, Detective, what is it?”

    “Well it occurred to me that you showed the President’s tax return without disclosing beforehand what specific documents you were going to show, yet the President was able to release the exact same information you had, and he did it before you. That’s the craziest thing, isn’t it?”

    “Detective, I just realized that I’m late for an important meeting. Will you excuse me?”

    Certainly, m’am. I am truly sorry to bother you with this.”

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