Washington Examiner
The New York Times’s editorial board published an article urging President Joe Biden to step out of the race following his disastrous performance at Thursday night’s debate against former President Donald Trump. The authors said the debate ruled out “sufficient rationale for why Mr. Biden should be the Democratic nominee this year.” More

As Snagglepuss would say, it’s time for bidumb to exit stage left.
They better watch out. Corn pop was a bad dude.
So the NYT wants Joe to go. Who do they want…Hillary?
Well, Hillary’s still with you, Joe. Probably because nobody is talking about drafting her to replace you. And also because Barky wants to dump you for Michael.
Some bad, bad blood between the Clintons and the Obamas. I’m loving this moment. No matter what they end up doing, it will be stupid and brazen. And Hillary will still never be President.
The NYT editorial board could have written that article multiple times since 1987…37 fucking years!…
He needs to go to the woodchipper, along with Jill and Obama.
Just to show what passes for brains inside the NYT editorial club, they said that if Joey doesn’t bow out and the election comes down to Joey versus President Trump, they’d vote for Joey brain damage and all. NYT == stupid × insane × brainwashed.
Liberals can stop their 50-year gloating over Nixon being kicked out of office.
They are facing a much worse crisis. How to get rid of Stumblefart and his scheming shrew wife and sell it to the American people.
Whatever they do it will look bad for them. Assassination? Force an even worse brain fail on him? Have the SS escort him out to the street and dump him? Train his dogs to assault and kill him?
Liberal democraps called this tune and now must pay the piper.
liberals in their stupidity, should have supported Nixon, instead of throwing him under a train. Nixon hit all their hot button issues: created the EPA, ended the Vietnam war, opened up China to start the new Global Order economy shitshow.
No doubt about it, liberals are stupid dumb turds.
The New York Times had nearly four years to state the obvious – that Joe Biden was incompetent – and their editorial board is just now admitting Biden is an old man suffering from dementia only because many Americans witnessed this live. Whatever credibility the NYT had has now completely evaporated.
The Times editorial board is also claiming that this is for the good of the country, as though they ever cared about the good of the country. I also noticed that approximately zero libs are asking “just who has been running this nation?” They know, and are pissed at Biden for blowing their cover.
Monday’s Headline: Biden to Release committed delegates.
What will they do if Old Joe steps down and Kamala says it’s HER turn to run? She would have a point that she should be first in line. This could get quite entertaining before they’re finished.
Tuesday’s Headline: Released Delegates to Commit Biden.
NO!!! We are all on TEAM BIDEN (Wink Wink)
Diogenes Sarcastica
I dunno. Depends how much money they offer Doc Jill. The true head of the Biden crime family. Joe answers to Doc Jill and that trailer trash bitch isn’t ready to give up her ability to encourage other women to wear table cloths as garments.
Don’t Let The Elite Get Away With Gaslighting That They Didn’t Know About Biden’s Senility
The dirty motherfucker is guilty of a lot of things, bet he hasn’t known if he was afoot or on horseback the last four years. It was only by virtue of the Democrats and establishment Republicans having complete control of academia, enternment industry, corporate media, and big tech that they and the deep state pulled this off. They are the guilty ones and if you don’t think we all owe Elon Musk a debt if gratitude for ending their ability to control the narrative and censor anyone pointing it out you are an ingrate and a fool’s fool.
Damn skippy.
Friend who forwarded that article added this:
Of course “the elite” know damn well Biden is not sentient, and that Barack Crapstain Obama is really the one in charge.
And they’re comfortable with that. As are half of Americans (to the extent they ever think it through).
What hypocrisy!
They foist Satanism on us every day, have lied about every-f’ing-thing since (at least) the 30s, and now (conveniently – when the Retarded Pedophile Usurper made a complete ass of himself in a televised “debate”) their Chosen One must go?
Yeah, they just saw the light.
THESE are the Retarded Pedophile Usurper’s enablers – THESE are the liars who distort and confuse whomever is dumb enough to read their tripe – THESE are the evil maggots who must be excised.
mortem tyrannis
izlamo delenda est …
After getting caught lying to the public about Biden’s dementia for 4 years, switcheroo shenanigans will drive even more people away than weaponizing the DOJ. Go for it.
Pay no attention to the NYT or the other naysayers, they are evil.
Stay in the race, you know you can help America by sitting in your basement until November (like 2020).
You know the neocons and liberal RINOs are with you.
Get the 51 intelligence people to shut down the NYT and jail all those Democrats who are attempting this soft coup (like the J6 Prosecutions).
Yes, Joe, Trump can save this nation, screw those who are pressuring you to leave the Campaign.
I think Jill Biden should take over for Joe. 😉
“I think Jill Biden should take over for Joe.”
She did. 3 and 1/2 years ago.