NYT exposes EV ‘green’ fraud – IOTW Report

NYT exposes EV ‘green’ fraud

‘More than 70% of world’s cobalt…the blood diamond of electric vehicle batteries, comes from Democratic Republic of Congo, where child labor & sexual violence are rampant in mines.’

17 Comments on NYT exposes EV ‘green’ fraud

  1. @Just A Fact — If they’d kept it just to fork lifts, golf carts, and little girls’ pink Barbie Jeeps, we’d be OK. But, NO. They had to run amok with it.

  2. NYT readers will now begin talking about the scam we’ve been talking about for years because they’ve been told to.
    Then they’ll act like they knew first.
    Liberals only spout what their Borg masters tell them to think and say.

  3. Check out one of Salty Cracker’s recent YouTube videos of the guy with an E-bike battery.
    Battery goes tits up while guy is trapped in elevator with it.

  4. @ MissInMi SUNDAY, 28 JULY 2024, 15:55 AT 3:55 PM

    I sent this link along this morning. The poor slob suffered for 28 days before dying.

    The Satanists who promote the progressive/Marxist worldview like to regurgitate: You have to break a few eggs to make an omelette can add that you have to cook them as well. They have absolutely no capacity for consideration for anyone or any thing that does not advance their agenda. Any sympathy they express for victims of their schemes is the rankest of their rank self serving, empty, opportunistic virtue signaling.

  5. These scumbags at the likes of the NY Times reminds me of how the ACLU works: once in a while they defend Nazi’s ability to march in public. Then 99.999% of the rest of their time, they work to promote communism and fascism. Who’d ever believe – and just a few years ago – we’d wind up in a obamaland of pure hell, watching our nation ripped away out from under us by the lowest forms of life in the country.


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