NYT Hearts Buttigieg – IOTW Report

NYT Hearts Buttigieg

CTH: The clock is ticking faster now.  Beto crashed miserably; Kamala’s giggling high-school schtick is embarrassing herself and others; the DNC has run out of handlers for Biden’s frequent episodes; Bernie is still yelling at trees; and now Warren has outed her plan to tax everyone into oblivion to fund her $52 trillion, yes TRILLION, healthcare scheme.

Hence, the New York Times jumps into action…  Buttigieg is now their latest hope.  Quick dispatch all immediate narrative engineers to the typeset: read more

30 Comments on NYT Hearts Buttigieg

  1. I think ALL of those remaining will crash and burn. The commies must have a ringer waiting in the wings.

    Is it possible that PDJT could be the first Pres. candidate to run unopposed? If so, those retards will still try to rig the vote. Stupid and insane know no bounds.

  2. Imagine how millions of Democrats feel about their Party now. Most are embarrassed by the low quality and failings of the candidates. Even the Democrat-controlled media can’s disguise it any more.

    It’s a Democrat election APOCALYPSE!

    Thank you, President Trump.

  3. Oh no, and they worked sooooo hard to get the ass glide stains out of the white house bedding and furniture from the last deviants to occupy the residence.

    Calling Stanley Steamer, we’ll be needing another visit.

  4. @Different Tim November 3, 2019 at 11:15 am

    > If he won would he be considered the first woman president?

    Well, now I know who I’m voting for!

    What a time to be alive! First I (re-)elected the first Black (enough) President! Now I get to elect the first woman (enough) President!

    I’m so feorce! Hear me roar!

  5. Biden will be out soon, his dementia is now so obvious Juan Willams is talking about his age, his campaign is broke, and his always weak mind is gone.

    Warren is a pathological liar with no black or Wall Street support. She is already being knifed in the back by San Fran Nan.

    Buttigieg has no black or Hispanic support and will crash and burn by South Carolina.

    Bernie is a heart attack on a stick and even the Deamonrsts know he’s crazy.

    The rest will be gone by the next debate.

    You can take all 24 of the wannabe nominees and they could not raise as much money together as the Golden Muumuu did in half the time during the last go round.

    Once Pedo Joe is marched off the stage the Lizard Queen will jump in as the “moderate” to save Democracy and right the injustice done to her by the Orange monster.

    Madame Cyberhack will win the nomination and she will lose 40 states.

    There will be cheating on an epic scale and it will not matter because she will not even win the popular vote this time even with 6 million illegal votes.

    I follow politics closely and I have never seen average people so angry. A red tidal wave is coming to wash away the Demonrat filth like you have never seen.

    The sleeping giant is awake and the common man and woman are coming out to vote.

  6. Buttigieg needs a full DNA scan to complete his credentials. “Trans, Lesbo, & Faggot” are not enough. He needs to add native American, Hispanic and black to his list of qualifiers. Oh, and victimhood. Yeah, jack that one up, Pete. Your message so far has been weak in that department.

  7. Mr. Butt can’t run a small town in Indiana. He’s going to run the US? Shades of obama.

    As for that fat POS Michelle obama: let her run. She is one debate away from showing her/himself from being the dumbass we know her/him to be.

  8. A queer with the name Butt, yeah people will run to the polls and vote for someone who puts that picture in their mind.

    That’s as disgusting as the guy on twitter whining about having his penis chopped off and the hole left behind smelling like shit.

  9. If it won, Buttigieg would be the first white faggot in the White House.

    WH would look like Rock Hudson’s swimming pool!
    Reggie Love redux.
    Erdogan could have a vanilla bitch.

    Hope Putin likes blowjobs.

    izlamo delenda est …


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