NYT Hit Piece On President’s Personal Income Taxes A Dud – IOTW Report

NYT Hit Piece On President’s Personal Income Taxes A Dud


President Trump and a lawyer for the Trump Organization denied claims in The New York Times’ report on his tax returns, which were illegally leaked to the paper, calling them “fake news.”

The paper alleges he paid no federal income taxes for 10 out of the past 15 years due to reporting losses greater than what he made, and that he only paid $750 to the federal government “the year he won the presidency” and “in his first year in the White House.”

During a press briefing on Sunday, Trump, who has refused to release his tax filings, said the claims were “totally made up.” More

32 Comments on NYT Hit Piece On President’s Personal Income Taxes A Dud

  1. …does the ILLEGAL leaking bother ANYBODY?!? Barr, Wray, Buehler, ANYONE?


    …if they can do it to THE MOST POWERFUL AND BEST GUARDED MAN IN THE WORLD, I’d say the REST of us have NO chance…

  2. I guess we’re now supposed to be outraged that Trump didn’t pay more taxes than he was legally obligated to pay. I mean what evil monster just pays what he’s supposed to pay instead of more? Amirite?

  3. I read some of the NY Time sarticle (after seeing some details elsewhere). For his 2016 taxes he prepaid $1 million, for 2017 he prepaid $4.2 million. His taxes for those years ended up being $750 per year, because of losses carried from prior years. The IRS hasn’t paid back his $5.2 million in payments – he is applying the amount against future taxes.
    Not paying any taxes? Excuuuuuse me?

  4. The NYT story is playing very well with the left, but the reality is something beyond most of their understanding. I have had three discussions about it since yesterday, and have cited POTUS donating his income the last four years, taking no income, and asked if they knew that. The answer has beed no, each time. It explains why the taxes paid the last three years have been what they were, and opens the door to widen the conversation.

  5. Where’s the crime? There is none. I hope he paid zero taxes.
    And it opens the door to now scrutinize Biden’s financials. Tell us, Joe, how did you become a millionaire?


  6. And of course Biden used the tax code to save hundreds of thousands and while he is out there reading his teleprompter talking about Trump not paying payroll taxes it is Biden that set-up an S-Corp to funnel his book and speech profits to avoid paying those exact taxes. Like always the rule stands, whatever they accuse you of is what they are guilty of.

  7. When I read above, “when was Al Sharpton going to pay his taxes” After I LOL
    I thought to myself, “Hell, when is half of the on-air talent at MSNBC gonna pay all their back taxes and then it came to me…


  8. “The paper refuses to show the documents to protect their sources. ”

    As far as I’m concerned, unnamed sources are the same as imaginary sources. Especially so if nothing is done to prove otherwise.

  9. Anonymous
    SEPTEMBER 28, 2020 AT 2:50 PM
    “How many times are they going to run with this?
    Unimaginative liars, what a loathsome bunch those ‘journalists’….”

    …the devil is not creative, so EVERYTHING he does is reruns. That’s why he starts over with the children and has the State indoctrinate them, so the same old lies will work with fresh blood.

    …which is why Democrats say everything is “for the chilllllllldren”, because that’s who they have the BEST chance of decieving…

  10. I always think of monthly tax money withheld as a forced interest free loan to the fed gov. [it’s a small loan in the world of loans]

    After all income tax isn’t legally due until April 15th of the following year. Yet the IRS frowns on person to person interest free business loans. I feel justified being angry when the IRS complains I am not having enough tax money withheld each quarter. It’s my money, I can at least choose the option to loan them as little interest free money as possible.

    Anyway, at the NYT their Trump tax story was a dud.

    But at the same time. At the NYT Joe Biden remains the Dude. You know he’s the Dude, Joe is “The Dude”, maaan.

  11. Not for nothing, but the anti-Trumpers I know are not posting ANYTHING on the taxes story. I think the left shot their wad on this with Rachel Maddow. It was a non-story then and now.

  12. I blame Joe Biden

    he’s been in congress & VP for 47 years, right in there w/ the rest of the politicians writing the tax codes …. what’s he got to bitch about?

  13. Meanwhile, scumbags like Omar, Pelosi, Clinton, etc., etc., etc., can commit felonies and treason on a regular basis because they have rigged the system and get away with it. I’m sick of this! If any REAL American did any of the things these criminals have done, they would be in prison. They are actively trying to rig the election and getting away with that, too!! This is so much crap. The media are complicit.

    I don’t know how PDJT puts up with these constant attacks, but he does. It’s evil and we must pray for him. I hope he realizes that us real Americans are with him.

  14. Even the NYT admits there was nothing illegal, but, but, but, he paid fewer taxes than you, so he must be evil!!!!!!
    Oh, BTW, we got this from an anonymous source and we know we can always rely on them. Where is Schiff nowadays?

  15. They think Trump takes his pencil and HP calculator and does his business and personal taxes himself.

    He has Accounting departments in every company. He likely has outside Accounting firms audit what those internals produce. He likely has an Accounting firm do his personal taxes.

    He’s not filing a 1040EZ.

    There will be some swipes at him about it tomorrow night. That is why they timed this hit job.

    All he has to say is “I couldn’t have done it without Joe Biden writing the laws “

  16. The other “bombshell” is that Trump “personally” owes $421M coming due.

    These media retards don’t know how debt works. Or how balloon payments and principal amortization works based on the future collateral value of long term assets. Or how personal guarantees work. Or how depreciation impacts taxes. Or how much builiding a gold course, luxury hotel or casino costs. Or what an appropriate debt to net worth ratio would be.

    Or how capitalism works.

    Because I’m reading media outlets teetering towards bankruptcy pointing at a guy with a massive amount of real estate and properties in halo locations.

    If a bank defaulted him, the bank would have the bigger problem. Another bank probably has some provision to take them out if they attempted it. They would immediately have adjust their bad debt allowances and possibly have grester borrowing costs.

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