NYT Publishes President’s Tax Info From 30 Years Ago – IOTW Report

NYT Publishes President’s Tax Info From 30 Years Ago


The New York Times has published the personal tax data of President Donald Trump spanning a decade’s worth of time from long before he was a candidate for president, saying the documents show that Trump lost more than a billion dollars in the timeframe of 1985 to 1994.

While not actual tax returns, the Times says the data includes never-before-public information from the tax returns–obtained from tax transcripts that glean data from the 1040 forms Trump filed with the IRS. More

20 Comments on NYT Publishes President’s Tax Info From 30 Years Ago

  1. So the IRS just releases the private financial information of citizens based on….
    -client’s political affiliation
    -agent’s personal agenda
    -malicious misanthropy of government ingrates

  2. Most likely trolling the leftards again by not releasing tax returns. Let hem work themselves into a frenzy and then a big nothing burger, again. The left is retarded.

  3. If only the IRS respected citizen privacy like Occidental and Columbia Univeesity do.

    Still waiting for a signed Selective Service form myself for one Barrymore H. Soetero.

  4. Completely ignores a New York real estate crash at the time and really, this is big news?! Wealthy people and corporations take deductions (those pesky loopholes) that were enacted by congress?! I’d bet Trump has been audited many times from both NY and the Feds (business and personal) and this is the best they can come up with?! Amazon does the same thing, as do all Hollywood celebs along with all the rest of us that have something to gain. NEXT

  5. Just another nothing burger from The New York Slime.
    WTF does this have to do with running the country?
    Or the price of a loaf of bread?
    These people really suck!

  6. They get more mileage out of the prospect of scandal than releasing any actual evidence.

    That’s why we need weeks or months of buildup before anything so they can endlessly blather on CNN and MSNBC about the special above top secret info they have.

    BTW, what was the cumshot from Michael Cohen’s big press conference before going to the rat rape factory? Fuck all, you say?

    What a surprise.

  7. Regardless of what Trump’s tax returns reveal the MSM will spin it negative. Make lots of money? He’s a greedy bastard. Lose money? He’s a rotten businessman. There are many advantages to running your business at a loss, namely not paying income tax (giving your money to criminal parasites). When you’re dealing with millions of dollars you would have to be a major fool to not take advantage of various tax loopholes and write-offs.

  8. Ta hell with a private citizen’s taxes. I wanna see how many millions the last 100 top dog democrats made as elected officials. Start with the Clintons, Ocommies, Gore, Pelosi, Reid, Schumer, Maxine. Kudos to clever person who came up with bumper sticker along those lines.


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