NYT Suggest Readers Kill Themselves to Get Out of Student Debt – IOTW Report

NYT Suggest Readers Kill Themselves to Get Out of Student Debt

The Independent

The New York Times has been roasted on social media for listing “death” as a means to escape crippling student loans, after the Supreme Court struck down the Biden administration’s plan to cancel debt for millions of Americans.

In an article soon after the Supreme Court’s ruling was released on Friday,  explained six ways “to get your student debt wiped away”.

The suggestions included making an income-driven repayment, appealing for public service loan forgiveness, and bankruptcy and disability discharges.

Under a subhead “death”, the Times wrote: “This is not something that most people would choose as a solution to their debt burden”. More

20 Comments on NYT Suggest Readers Kill Themselves to Get Out of Student Debt

  1. You notice how QUICKLY Biden, AOC, Schumer, Sanders, Pocahontas, et. al are coming out swinging against this ruling BECAUSE they know how easily their brainwashed brood saddled with college debt are going to turn on them like famished orcs at a family orc picnic.

  2. 65 years ago I and 17 of my kin did n”Work Americans will not do!”! To pay for our future college we “worked the fields”! GWB. said we weren’t American. BTW I’v shed more blood for America than 4 (four) generations of the Bush Can combined!

    61 years ago I did for $1.00/hr the glamor job of dishwasher to pay current college bills.

    I and all my kin graduated NO DEBT.

    But none of us was “TOO GOoD TO WORK!”!
    Guess how i feel about GWB’s plutocrat friends having to honor their word?

  3. A proper culling of a few of those pinheads might not be a bad thing. Nothing serious, just a little euthanasia like the Canadian health system prescribes.

  4. Thank you @old ex jarhead. They don’t make them like you anymore. You’re a responsible and patriotic American.

    As for the Biden student debt boondoggle, did not the democrats control both bodies of congress for Biden’s first two years? Could they not have gone through the legislative process to pass this scam or were there not enough democrats that wanted their fingerprints upon such an obvious vote buying giveaway?

  5. Sure, it’s in accordance with the wishes of the Globalists and Enviro-whacks.

    It means fewer people, ya know? A student-enviro would think himself a great hero for bumping himself off and a role model for other student-enviros…kill 2 birds with one stone -eliminate personal carbon emissions and obtain debt relief at the same time – just a couple seconds of pain and it’s all over. A hero for other students to emulate.

  6. Population control.

    like planned food shortages,
    fertilizer restriction,
    vehicle shortages,
    electricity shortages, etc.

    Basically High Inflation to make people afraid to have kids etc. while they import people from Shit-Holes.

  7. Oh lawdy!… Keell deyselfs?!… What’s the world to do without all those African American/Whimmins/La Raza/Queer studies majors scholars?… The irony of their self-inflicted demise will be the numerous amount of spelling and punctuation errors in their suicide notes.

  8. It’s not smart to make promises you can’t keep…
    Especially if you rely on votes.

    It would be very entertaining to see the younger generation realize just how they’re being played.

  9. @jellybean – “…It would be very entertaining to see the younger generation realize just how they’re being played…”

    Sadly, most of them won’t realize it. They get their news from state controlled propaganda news sources.

  10. You were warned about this 70 years ago
    ” Sixteen Tons ” by Ernie Ford
    the company store setup isn’t so obvious
    but it’s still the same thing
    different labels

  11. snap, snap, snap..

    You load 16 test-tubes
    And whaddaya get?
    Another day older and deeper in dept
    St. Peter don’t you call me
    Because I can’t go
    I owe my soul to the Student Loan Program

    And a tip o’ the hat to Tennessee Ernie Ford.

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