NYT tells sports reporters no talking politics on social media or in articles – IOTW Report

NYT tells sports reporters no talking politics on social media or in articles

PM: The New York Times owned site The Athletic has laid down some new rules for mixing politics and sports in their writing.

“We don’t want to stop people from having a voice,” Chief Content Officer Paul Fichtenbaum told staff, according to OutKick. “But there comes a point where something that is a straightforward, ‘Hey, I’m concerned about guns in America’… becomes political when you say, ‘I’m concerned about guns in America, and this political party is the reason why we’re having an issue.'” more

5 Comments on NYT tells sports reporters no talking politics on social media or in articles

  1. It’s too late for the Times. They’ve completely squandered the trust of their former, nationwide readership. That trust must be earned back, and it will take more than a couple of reassuring piety or two to do so. Today the paper is little better than a left-wing propaganda rag and Manhattanite shopping circular — a fate it deserves.


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