NYT Writer Ejects Disabled Child From Speech – IOTW Report

NYT Writer Ejects Disabled Child From Speech


Like Deadpool removing his mask to reveal the ugly face below, New York Times writer Nancy Jo Sales upset students, parents, and teachers after a high school appearance by showing her true colors.

Sales was invited to speak at Ballston Spa High School for a special assembly to talk to students about respect, but things didn’t go as planned.

Those who attended her speech said Sales did anything but show respect, NEWS10 reports.

“Almost immediately she was rude to our students,” said Kristi Jensen, the principle of the school. “Obviously, it made me angry, but I was also hurt and upset.”

At one point during the speech, a special needs student made a noise, prompting Sales, author of “American Girls: Social Media and the Secret Lives of Teenagers,” to demand the student’s removal.  Read more

SNIP: The News 10 link has video on the story.

22 Comments on NYT Writer Ejects Disabled Child From Speech

  1. of course progressive socialists act this way … they are now bold enough to unmask themselves
    they believe such ‘entities’ should have been aborted in the first place to spare their version of humanity the ‘bother’ of having to actually interact w/ such creatures
    … progressive socialists are such loathsome creatures themselves ….

  2. LIB-FIGHT! –I can just hear it now….

    “Hey, let’s bring in this radical leftist to speak.”
    “Shut that disabled kid up!”
    “Hey, that’s bullying.”
    “You’re just intolerant.”
    “You’re a bigot!”
    “No, YOU’RE a bigot!”
    “I’m calling the police on you!”
    “No, I’m calling the police on YOU!”
    “Where’s my safe space.”
    “Where’s MY safe space?”

  3. Nothing pisses me off more than for someone to be rude or make fun of a mentally or physically disabled kid.

    Then the bitch blames someone else because she’s a sorry bitch.

    Why didn’t the school eject her ass instead of the kid?

  4. How about that, small world, got my first speeding ticket in Ballston Spa. April 1974 returning home from a weekend camping trip at Lake George when stationed at KAPL. First time I’ve heard of that little town since then.

  5. This miserable crunt went over with the crowd about as well as George Lopez at the Denver charity event. Hope it puts a permanent kink in any future speaking engagements for this lowlife scumbag.

  6. Sales is a Leftist Progressive—> Progressivism is one of the four branches of Socialism, along with Communism, Fascism and National Socialism—>The National Socialists’s first victims of their Master Race eugenics program were “mental and physical defectives”, calling them “useless eaters”—->deep down, the leftist Sales would like to dispose of “useless eaters” like the special needs kid in the school audience.

    Sales is a monster.

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