NYTs Crossword Puzzle Causes Debate of Anti-Semitism – IOTW Report

NYTs Crossword Puzzle Causes Debate of Anti-Semitism


A stretch?

What’s good for the goose-step is good for the gander? Meaning, the left sees symbolism all the time and accuses the right of all sorts of ludicrous things.

OK' hand gesture added to hate symbols database

11 Comments on NYTs Crossword Puzzle Causes Debate of Anti-Semitism

  1. If that crossword grid is a swastika, then a photo of a drywall screw is pornographic.

    Stretch, but I don’t care. Any opportunity to throw crap on the NYT should be taken gleefully.

  2. A reporter took a picture of orange ear plugs and said they were rubber bullets the cops were using on black folks.
    Was it pure ignorance or purely intentional to stir shit?
    We know their objective, only their ignorance posed a slimmer of doubt.

    As for this, they knew, of course they fucking knew what they were doing.

    The rules of engagement are set now.
    We need to shove as much shit back at these evil ignorant assholes as we can.

  3. That’s a swastika. Given the timing, it was purposeful. A very sick joke.
    More than one person should be fired over it, but given their editorial stance lately, promotions and/or bonuses are more likely.

  4. Serious Question for anyone living in NYC.

    How can you live in such a shithole?
    Do you not see yourselves as the real rats?
    Maybe NYC is some kind of giant Lab Rat Aquarium for the pleasure of the Outer Space Viewers?

    Also, watch out for bedrocks and tunnels.
    Their opening new veins and lines under that 30 Evil Rock.

    Know what I mean?

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