Why does the left make up blatant lies that are meant to glorify and martyr themselves?
1/2: “At age 12, she visited the West Bank and saw for herself the walls and checkpoints.”
— Vittorio Lino Levi (((ולל))) (@LinoSnarf) March 19, 2022
Congresswoman Tlaib was 12 in 1988.
Construction on the wall separating the West Bank from Israel, began 14 years later, in 2002. Checkpoints came earlier… https://t.co/xXiZSRvc3E
2/2: …after the First Intifada, the former during the Second. Where’s that context?
— Vittorio Lino Levi (((ולל))) (@LinoSnarf) March 19, 2022
Either she went at 26—not 12—OR never ‘saw for herself’ what you claim she did in 1988.
Sources: Al-Jazeera https://t.co/KNKTUpWSxd
& Palestine’s Embassy in Rome https://t.co/0XvAmzbXSe
Why would they bother checking dates right? It’s her own “personal truth” 🙄
— leftofcool (@leftofcool13) March 19, 2022
NYTs Doesn’t Catch Rashida Tlaib’s Lie – Because They Never Look For Leftist Lies
Actually, it’s because they help write the leftists’ lies.
Woman goin’ crazy…
She’d be rubbing her knuckles together ala Pelosi watching us rubes being marched to the wall. Most of us here realize that but I’m going with 90%+ of the rest of the country believes that REgressives really want the best for everyone.
I still think that at birth, the doctor hit her in the face repeatedly with a shovel.
As if the Times has ever challenged Joe Biden’s whoppers about himself…NOT!
Lying is part of liberalism. It goes hand in hand with their sociopathic, obsessive compulsive disorder.
Modern journalism never lets the truth get in the way.
She so ugly:
She got spots allover her body where people been touching her with a ten-foot pole.
She’d drive a freight train down a dirt road.
Her father carries around a kid pic that came with his new wallet.
She told the bartender to make her a zombie. He said Allah already beat him to it.
AAAAND this describes the bint best:
Ugly people do bitter things.