Oakland Adds Fireworks To Juneteeth Celebration – IOTW Report

Oakland Adds Fireworks To Juneteeth Celebration

CBS KPIX5 San Francisco

Oakland police say roughly 5,000 people were hanging out on Lakeshore Avenue when gunfire erupted Saturday evening. The mass shooting at Lake Merritt injured six people and killed a 22-year-old San Francisco man.

“All I saw was the gunshot. It was like ‘pop! pop! pop!’” said a witness who feared retaliation and declined to provide his name. “After they shot the people, the bullets hit the ground five feet away from me. I was like, ‘oh my f**ing God,’ excuse my language.” More

16 Comments on Oakland Adds Fireworks To Juneteeth Celebration

  1. Something occured to me today while on vacation with the family. In the pool of a cheap hotel (just a place to sleep as we drove through) I realized I had much more in common with and was far more comfortable with Hispanics than blacks. They were speaking Spanish which I couldn’t understand at all, however, the blacks we encountered were speaking English, but in such a way as to separate and intentionally not identify with everyone else. They were loud, inconsiderate and generally obnoxious. While the Hispanics acted exactly as we did and the language they shared was the only thing setting them apart. Blacks are intentionally segregating.

  2. In a related story, the DOJ has decided to supply free ammunition to black neighborhoods across America so that Juneteenth can be properly celebrated, what with the ammo shortage and all.

  3. how come the USA is the only country that celebrates when the negro slaves were freed?

    no other countries celebrate when they freed their negro slaves.

    how come?

    mankind has engaged in slavery all over the world since the dawn of time, so how come the USA is the only county that has the “sin” of slavery associated with it, and how come it’s only negros held as slaves that count as being previous slaves.
    All colors of people have been made and held as slaves throughout history.

    Christian morals created the greatest country and society that we had to date.
    the lack or deliberate destruction of those morals has all but destroyed that society.

    first they took God out of the classrooms in public schools.
    then they took nationalism out of the public schools.

    so now we have half a nation of immoral seditionist who are actively trying to destroy this Country.
    these are the same people who would be enslaved in other countries, screaming for their own enslavement to an all powerful central government.

  4. Its all in the plan, have a big celebration with fire works, drawing in the thugs and criminals for a turkey shoot, you won’t have to aim, just shoot randomly, you’ll always hit somebody.
    Just like the hood, but easier.

  5. It is the same thing in Toronto, Canada. I was warned to NOT go to the Caribana celebration on the August long weekend when I first moved to the city in 1977. There was always at least one shooting and a few knifings. I lived there 25 years and it was always the same, but the numbers of “incidents” increased with time.

  6. The point of all this is to divide and conquer causing chaos and then the people will scream for remedy when the cops do nothing. The ultimate plan is to nationalize every police force.
    You can guess the rest.

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