Oakland California Mayor Urges Residents to Take in Homeless – IOTW Report

Oakland California Mayor Urges Residents to Take in Homeless

LOLOL! Oh wait, she’s serious?

CPR: During her annual State of the City address on Thursday, Oakland Mayor Libby Schaaf called on her constituents to open their doors and residences to the city’s homeless, as union workers picketed against her for her administration’s handling of the city’s rampant housing problem.

“Give up that Airbnb. Fix up that back unit,” Schaff said, encouraging property owners to lease apartments at more affordable rates to recently homeless individuals, according to the San Francisco Chronicle.

“In Oakland, we don’t step over the homeless we step toward them,” Schaaf said.

The city’s uptick in vagrants is tied to a general gentrification in the Bay Area, stemming from San Francisco, where artists and innovators unable to afford skyrocketing rents have migrated to Oakland.

In May, the Chronicle noted that a survey by Everyone Counts found that the number of homeless persons in Oakland had increased by 25 percent since two years ago.

Outside Schaaf’s Thursday event and planned festivities, hundreds of Service Employees International Union (SEIU )Local 102 union workers — ranging from librarians to street cleaners to city employees — reportedly picketed against the mayor. According to the Chronicle, their stated aim was to draw attention to “the real state of Oakland,” as opposed to the one Schaaf presented on Thursday.  read more here

36 Comments on Oakland California Mayor Urges Residents to Take in Homeless

  1. You first, bitch. And when they smear shit all over your guest room wall and wipe with your drapes, tell us all how it improves the ambiance of your villa. What a dumbass. Jesus.

  2. Wait, what, the homeless in Oakland are all displaced “artists and innovators”?

    “Artists and innovators” are the ones blocking sidewalks with their castoff mattresses and shopping carts? They’re the ones comatose amid discarded needles? That bloodshot zombie shuffling around the park muttering incoherently is just an underfunded entrepreneur and “innovator”?

    Ooooookay. So they’re just waiting for their NEA Grants and Patent applications to finalize.
    Got it.

  3. The funny thing is that the shortage of housing has led to many people renting out everything from rooms in their house to tents in their back yards. That’s called capitalism. Of course they are likely careful about who they rent to.
    You want people to open up their homes to street people? No fricken’ way. You do it and tell me how it works out.

  4. ” … from San Francisco, where artists and innovators unable to afford skyrocketing rents have migrated to Oakland.” Yeah, right. Let’s see these ‘artists’ and ‘innovators’ who’ve migrated to Oakland. And if the ‘artists’ are any good, why don’t they migrate to someplace where their ‘art’ can pay for their lodgings?

  5. Speaking as someone with homelessness in our family, this woman is out of her mind. I have a homeless cousin, and he’s not homeless because he doesn’t have a home; he’s homeless because he’s drug-addicted and mentally ill. His family tries to take care of him, but if he won’t take his medication, he’s not rational. I would never, ever recommend anyone take him in. He’s unpredictable, irrational, possibly dangerous when off his meds.

    I don’t know who’s the bigger nut — my cousin or this stupid Libby Schaaf.

  6. I had an acquaintance, not a friend, who did this once. He was a lawyer. He was driving home from New York City on the Palisades Parkway when he spotted two impoverished looking men eating grass on the meridian. He stopped immediately and called them to his car.
    (Pissing off motorists who had to go around him)
    What are you doing he asked of the two. We are hungry Signor so we have to eat. This is outrageous, thought my acquaintance, in this day and age, in New York , the Empire State, men eating grass on the fucking meridian of the Parkway.
    Get in my car he commands them, I will give you good food and help you. Thank you Signor, Thank you.
    So he drove them to his gated Tuxedo community and pulled up in the drive way. The wife was there at the door with a big smile. (She had just been fucking the tennis pro all afternoon)
    She frowned, when she saw his two companions.
    Don’t worry honey, we don’t have to pay those grass cutters any more
    these guys love to eat grass.

  7. Between his first and second gig as California’s governor, Jerry Brown was Oakland’s mayor. Oakland is catching up to its next door neighbor Berkeley for insanity,

  8. Hey just get rid of that Air B&B , or fix your House to accommodate a person with untold Demons in the Kid’s old room .
    We don’t need the Tourism dollars, as tourism money is just overflowing into Oakland. As far as having him in your home, he’ll be fine as long as your’e cool with Rape and stuff !

  9. YES YES, PLEASE, listen to your enlightened mayorass. Specially you filthy rich liberal, air headed, idealistic, head-in-the-sand democrats. Those of you who survive and take in the homeless, will become conservatives. In the mean time, the social sewers of the west will be drained as all those worthless pieces of shit are sucked into YOUR community.

  10. Aren’t the tax dollars the bastards collect ‘spose to go for helping the homeless? Seems to me that’s always part of the pitch for taking more of other peoples money.

  11. That would be so great if she was able to convince a couple hundred libs to open their homes to the homeless. The stories we would hear would be worth paying admission for. We could take up a collection to rent a bus so we could deliver about 40 homeless to her house and neighborhood. If we raise enough money maybe two or three buses. I can’t wait.

  12. I think I know what’s going on here. Before the citizens will be willing to take in these people, they must be clean and properly clothed. Therefore the Mayor will enlist the help of the City Police to gather up the homeless and prepare them for their new lives. Each large group so chosen will be separated by sex, stripped of their old, dirty clothing, and taken to large communal showers where they may scrub off the accumulated filth of years of living on the streets.

    It won’t be until they hear the click of the shower doors locking behind them that they will notice that the bars of soap they have been given are made of hard, reusable plastic…

  13. Let me run down the very dynamic topography and what going on here. You got your heart of Oakland (pond water), you got your Oakland Hills, Old Money, big money. They’re stubborn, their not moving. Currently some of the most expensive real estate in the US. Believe me they have their own security. Don’t show up there after dark black. So the you work yourself North to Berkley. Even more old money, but lots more socialists. Jump across the Bay to Stanford. Not that far. Slightly more interested in a quality education. However their marching band is freaken stoopid. Reaching way down into Santa Clara and San Jose, all of this area use to be ultra conservative. No more.

  14. She could really tick off the unions and move the bums into city buildings.
    Or maybe they’d like that.
    The city employees could work from home and their offices could be filled with cots.

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