Oakland NAACP skewers city leaders for crime crisis – IOTW Report

Oakland NAACP skewers city leaders for crime crisis

Defund police has created ‘heyday for criminals.

10 Comments on Oakland NAACP skewers city leaders for crime crisis

  1. …help me understand this;
    -Black people say too many Black people are getting arrested for crimes against Black people.

    -Black people insist on defunding the Black police officers to prevent them from arresting the Black people who are commiting the crimes against Black people.

    -The Black City Council does what the Black people in Oakland ask and takes money from the Black police officers so they can no longerbarrest the Black people committing the crimes against other Black people.

    -The Black people committing the crimes now feel empowered to committ MORE crimes against Black people, predicably so since they need no longer fear the Black police officers.

    Black people are now very upset that the Black city council did what the Black people demanded and defunded the Black police officers so the Black people are no longer protected from the Black people criming them

    -This is all White people’s fault.

    …is that about the skinny of it?

    If anyone has another take, I’d appreciate the clarification…

  2. If using the 2nd amendment wasn’t such a big problem in court when average Mr. Joe uses it to defend his property you wouldn’t need as many police officers and their giant staffs. It’s okay when the police defend themselves, just not okay when working citizens do.

  3. BS!

    World champion baseball team was able to fill their park less than once a month 40 years ago.
    folk were fearful of criminals! oakandhas been violent, crime ridden for at least 60 years!Ask Chuck Finley

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