Oakland Thieves Steal Jaws of Life From Fire Department During Rescue Call – IOTW Report

Oakland Thieves Steal Jaws of Life From Fire Department During Rescue Call

Legal Insurrection-

We have been following the outbreak of crime occurring in Oakland, California, which has been so devastating that Oakland Mayor Sheng Thao and its District Attorney, Pamela Price, will face a recall vote in November.

A recent development so shocking that it surely must adversely impact their chances of surviving the recall: In the middle of a rescue call last week, someone stole the Jaws of Life from Oakland’s firefighters.


25 Comments on Oakland Thieves Steal Jaws of Life From Fire Department During Rescue Call

  1. …I’d ask WTF you’d do with those, but the answer as far as INTENT is use them to break into things.

    The answer as far as REALITY is severely injure yourself. Those things are powerful but very dangerous in their own right for the untrained, and if they actually try to USE them they’ll probably amputate themselves or get knocked out by high-speed debris or broken tool parts.

    Although Im kinda curious how they plan to transport. Those things are a bit large for even the saggiest of pants…

  2. …but it takes some time and setup even for the knowledgeable to deploy the Jaws, and they arent the best choice for every forcible entry. A firetruck has FAR more convenient and faster tools for making forcible entry on it than the freaking Hurst tool, but Im not going to catalog them here because I dont want to give anyone ideas.

    But nothing on an emergency vehicle is locked except for drug storage and certain parts of bomb disposal units, because someone could die while a gloved firefighter searches for the key he just dropped in the gutter. And firefighters have other things to do than guard their equipment, so its not hard to see HOW this happened.

    But this goes to the BLM/ACAB ethos that Ive mentioned before makes fire and EMS impossible in such environments. The fire department does not exist in a vacuum, and without police support is vulnerable to looting and attacks and even stolen vehicles, and for more nefarious reasons than simple theft.

    Not everyone who shoots a person wants that person to survive.

    And not everone who sets a fire wants the fire put out.

    FDs only work in a civilized society where laws are enforced by law enforcers.

    Oakland is no longer a civilized society.

    I offer this theft of equipment meant for the common good as evidence…

  3. MrLiberty
    Thursday, 29 August 2024, 9:32 at 9:32 am
    “I have a thought on a punishment for them. It involves the jaws of life and some Vaseline.”

    …I dont know what Oakland has – or HAD – but in my day and place we had a Hurst cutter that operated off the same hydraulics that the Jaws did, so they were pretty powerful too, could cut rebar like it was a pool noodle. Look at THESE and see if a just punishment they could inflict suggests itself…


    …that said, I generally am opposed to using fire/rescue equipment as law enforcement tools, PARTICUARLY among certain populations. They used firefighters for crowd control in Birmingham in the ’50s, and we STILL get reminded about THAT even all these decades later…


    …Firefighters can NOT operate in a civilly non-permissive environment, and MUST have community good will on some level or it wont work. Theres too much committment that immobilizes equipment and too much going on in FRONT of us to be able to worry about whats going on BEHIND us.

    Associating fire equipment with extreme punishment, while satisfying and just, will run counter to that purpose and add another 100 year stain to a profession that doesnt train for that in the FIRST place, so no, nice idea, but no, regrettably, no…

  4. @SNS, when I worked graveyard shift in a large Commiefornia city, my partner and I were dispatched to an accident with one fatality and multiple serious injuries and the firefighters got there first. The very obvious fatality was a gangster in one car so the firemen started working on the people in the other car. The other gangsters took umbrage to this, called more of their associates(and we requested more of ours!) When the additional gangsters arrived, they started grabbing everything and anything off the firetruck and were chucking some at us, the firemen, paramedics, the firetruck and then hauled their dead guy out of the car, dragged him to their car and tried to stuff him in. It was insane.

  5. Conservative Cowgirl
    Thursday, 29 August 2024, 9:57 at 9:57 am

    …so were you injured? Did they save the guy? Were there more damaged gangstas later?

    This seems a VERY interesting story, Id kinda like to know how it ended…

  6. SNS
    Thursday, 29 August 2024, 10:09 at 10:09 am
    Conservative Cowgirl
    Thursday, 29 August 2024, 9:57 at 9:57 am

    “Did they save the guyS”, I meant.

    Not the “very obvious fatality”.


  7. @SNS, no real injuries to any of us; a couple of firemen had minor ones. All gangstas in crash arrested with minor injuries; other units responding found and stopped the assisting gangsters’ car as they were fleeing when they heard the approaching code 3 cavalry coming.

    Resulted in tons of paperwork.

  8. Barbarian Dindus of Color, ironically will most likely use the Jaws of Life to make “halfsies” of their rivals or worse innocent victims. Don’t put it past them.

  9. 99th Squad Leader
    Thursday, 29 August 2024, 14:31 at 2:31 pm
    “Barbarian Dindus of Color, ironically will most likely use the Jaws of Life to make “halfsies” of their rivals or worse innocent victims. ”


    Thats a genuninely unpleasant thought.

    Those things can spread, but they can also clamp just as hard. Not going to give suggestions, but I can see where you could absolutely ruin someones day, year, and life with those.

    Terrible thought, 99.

    Also probably correct.

    …many decades ago when I was a budding car mechanic, I read an account of someone who was taken to a local garage where, according to the less-lurid press of the time, “several automotive tools were used on him”, leaving me to guess WHAT and HOW.

    I had a box full of tools both hand and pneumatic (not so much battery in the day) as well as a lively imagination, so I could well see where someone could be made to suffer greatly.

    Ive used Hurst tools since then.

    That could be much, MUCH worse.

  10. SNS – the jaws of life OPENS up car doors, etc. It is NOT a cutting device. And nobody feels bad about rope makers just because rope is used to execute people by hanging. Most people understand the need for fire/rescue to have the tools they need when an emergency is happening. I don’t think that most would be upset if thieves were punished for stealing these devices.

  11. MrLiberty
    Thursday, 29 August 2024, 15:11 at 3:11 pm
    “SNS – the jaws of life OPENS up car doors, etc. It is NOT a cutting device. ”

    …if you read up, you will see that I mention a Hurst tool that is ALSO hydraulic, that is DESIGNED for cutting, and I link to a picture. Also, you can ABSOLUTELY clamp a Hurst tool CLOSED on a door to deform it and create an insetion point near the nader pin. And belive me, there is NOTHING on the human body that a Hurst tool cannot amputate.

    And I certainly know what the jaws can and cannot do. I ran with a muni FD for a decade, and served on a heavy rescue team for two of those years. Ive split cars with that combination to roll the dashboard up off someone who submarined into it and flapped more roofs than I can remember.


  12. Yes, SNS the thought of using a hydraulic tool to harm human being is a gruesome concept, but evil demoniacs have no limits. Yet, gruesome acts aren’t exclusively to the modern age.

    Placing a severely beaten man on a cross, by nailing his feet and hands/wrists to that cross until he suffocates on his blood-filled lungs (which takes hours of torment) and his body finally collapses from a broken spine, hips, arms and legs resulting in death is pretty gruesome too. That’s what our innocent Savior and Lord endured – a crucifixion on the cross. A method of death for criminals by a Statist/Godless/Heathenistic Roman government.

    Although Christ was victorious over the crucifixion, it’s not something even He wanted to go through, See Garden of Gethsemane.
    Unimaginable cruelty began long ago through Satan and sin. It hasn’t ceased and won’t until Christ returns.

    Unspeakable evil will continue. It’s important to acknowledge it exists so we, in particular, Christians aren’t naive and unaware of Satan’s true character and tactics. It’s just wisdom to know the ways of our enemies for offensive and defensive stategies to maintain a stable society. Strategies abandoned by law enforcement in Oakland CA.


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