OAN Files Lawsuit Against DirectTV – IOTW Report

OAN Files Lawsuit Against DirectTV

The Federalist

DirecTV announced in January the digital satellite service would no longer carry One America News Network (OAN), owned by Herring Networks. The decision prompted a lawsuit by OAN in response Tuesday, arguing that DirecTV’s refusal to carry OAN could shut it down entirely.

“We informed Herring Networks that, following a routine internal review, we do not plan to enter into a new contract when our current agreement expires,” the company told USA Today two months ago, without expanding on its definition of an “internal review.” More

7 Comments on OAN Files Lawsuit Against DirectTV

  1. @ACParker March 16, 2022 at 2:53 pm

    > until ISPs begin restricting both content and users

    Oh. noes. No facebook? No pornhub? Whatever.

    I mean. uh… Whatever shall we do!?

  2. AON maybe the only real conservative news network left. FOX and NEWSMAX preach the same shit as the MSM they just come at it from a different angle. I need to figure out how to stream it here at home.


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