OANN report on the chaos on Mexican border – IOTW Report

OANN report on the chaos on Mexican border

ht/ hot salsa

7 Comments on OANN report on the chaos on Mexican border

  1. It’s nothing news until Trump has actually done the action he claims he will do. Lots of talk, no done deal!!
    The mobs of people walking in caravans is all hogwash. They aren’t walking much, but being bused very much. That Soros money is endlessly on the payout, and the illegals keep being let in. Trump on Twitter is just about all his controllers will let him do. And the controllers don’t intend to stop the influx of the illegals.

  2. It costs a lot of money to get that many people here to enter illegally.

    A shame we can’t investigate who is providing that money and, if they are Americans, charge them with criminal conspiracy to violate American laws, maybe even use RICO against them as well.

    But that won’t happen, the Democrats would never allow such an investigation.

  3. You can thank the democrats for bringing on this mess. Keep them in office if you want to see more trouble crossing the border illegally and coming to your town.

  4. As soon as Dollar General stops asking me to show ID for buying Cigs (F’Off their my lungs) and democrats do everything possible to qualify a vote,,,
    in turn, F’Off


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