Obama Admin Issues Order That ‘Finds a Way Around’ the Hobby Lobby SCOTUS Decision – IOTW Report

Obama Admin Issues Order That ‘Finds a Way Around’ the Hobby Lobby SCOTUS Decision

birth control oprah

IJR- The Obama administration has issued final rules about ObamaCare coverage of contraceptives that gets around the Hobby Lobby Supreme Court decision.

As The Huffington Post explained under the banner headline, “White House Finds a Way Around Hobby Lobby Birth Control Decision”:

The accommodation ensures that all employed women, unless they work for a place of worship, will still have their birth control covered at no cost to them, even if their employers refuse to cover it.

Yahoo! News reported that if a company objects to providing contraceptives due to religious beliefs, insurance companies and/or the federal government will take responsibility:  more

15 Comments on Obama Admin Issues Order That ‘Finds a Way Around’ the Hobby Lobby SCOTUS Decision

  1. King Obama making up law, and liberals are ecstatic! I wonder how they would President Ted Cruz pretend to be a King instead of a president? Top comment over at Huffpoop:


    Suzanne Clark · Top Commenter

    Insurance companies know that birth control costs a whole lot less than pregnancy and childbirth. Plus, Hobby Lobby: overpriced crap with NO customer service….will soon be out of business and the world will be better for it.

    Good for President Obama. Stop those women-hating fake christian hypocrites in their tracks. Next, take away their viagra. Without it, republicans can’t reproduce, NONE of them…. lol. Now, that would be a very, very good thing. Look at what pieces of worthless humans their republican parents produced. Those haters are destroying our wonderful country, but President Hillary Clinton will stop them, too. She and President Obama will finally cancel out the damage done by eight years of dick/bush. Liberal prayers are the ones that God truly hears: Fair housing/passed! LGBT marriage/passed! Evil flag removed/passed! ACA/passed!

    Reply · Like

    · 531 · Follow Post · Edited · 22 hours ago


    ^^Liberalism is a mental disorder.

  2. I particularly liked the part in the story where the Catholic Church is said to be very upset with this turn of events. The US Catholic Church jumped into bed with Obama in 2007 and 2008 with their parish priests actively promoting him. They soon got screwed after he was elected and broke the deals he made for their support. They supported him again in 2012 I guess figuring that he wouldn’t screw them twice. Wrong again. Then the Cardinals elected a political/socialist activist for Pope who then jumps on the wealth redistribution global warming bandwagon as well starting the process to accept gay marriage. I’m a lapsed Catholic and I would bet cash money that the Catholic church (which has been in decline in the west for decades) will become a non-entity within 20 years and Obama and the Progs can cross another item off their list. What asses they truly are.

  3. Take about “hate”… The comment by Suzanne on HufPo clearly reveals her grasp of the subject matter…. Hobby Lobby pays for contraception… what they refuse is abortion… and the Supremes upheld their right to practice their religion.

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