Obama Admin Tells Landlords They Can’t Refuse To House Criminals – IOTW Report

Obama Admin Tells Landlords They Can’t Refuse To House Criminals

DC: The Obama administration released a warning Monday telling the nation’s landlords that it may be discriminatory for them to refuse to rent to those with criminal records.

obama we cant have nice things

The Fair Housing Act doesn’t include criminals as a protected class, but the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) says refusing to rent based on a criminal record is a form of racial discrimination, due to racial imbalances in the U.S. justice system.


11 Comments on Obama Admin Tells Landlords They Can’t Refuse To House Criminals

  1. If I had ’round-the-clock Secret Service protection, I suppose I’d have a pretty cavalier attitude about not discriminating against criminals too.

  2. Lazlo has to endure Tenants.
    Its bad enough finding a tenant that will not destroy your property, but having to let to those with criminal histories.
    Skarew that.
    If I don’t like the looks of your car, or any other reason I might have you can take it on the arches.
    Actions have consequences. Some last longer than others.
    Not my fault you committed crimes.

  3. The Fair Housing Act doesn’t include criminals as a protected class, but the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) says refusing to rent based on a criminal record is a form of racial discrimination, due to racial imbalances in the U.S. justice. Huh? The turd Obama is grasping at straws here. It’s my fault 99 of a 100 criminals are black or Hispanic? Oh yeah, my white priveledge.

  4. I guess if you are going to allow hard-core criminals to run for the office of president, it’s going to be pretty hard to deny them any other pursuits their crooked hearts desire.

    I have a sister who has many rental properties. She has encountered a lot of problems with criminal types even though she tries her hardest to weed them out. And there have been some we have had to physically throw out for not paying rent.
    I think if she was forced to take in any and every criminal it would most likely put her out of business.

    Maybe that’s the 0bama plan, no? Sure fits the M.O.

  5. @Unruly refugee – its’ been my contention for some years now, as a guy who recognized BO’s fondness for running a country like Bobby Mugabe, and eventually running whitey off his property (since he stole it anyway) as well ass, their “unexpected” deaths.
    Gotta use up those vacant houses and fill em up with the millions of Numericans who just got their AMNESTY/CITIZENSHIP and obviously have the right to live just as well off as whitey.

    “Everybody knows it makes no sense to just have all those houses just sitting around with nobody living in them and taking care of them,” Preezy MFr. And who’s the MFrz that constantly need to raise property taxes??

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