Obama administration admits paying entire $1.7billion Iran bill in CASH from little-known fund of taxpayer money – IOTW Report

Obama administration admits paying entire $1.7billion Iran bill in CASH from little-known fund of taxpayer money


The so-called Judgment Fund is taxpayer money Congress has permanently approved in the event it’s needed, allowing the president to bypass direct congressional approval to make a settlement.

Officials say cash payments were made on January 22 and February 5

  • Treasury spokesperson said ‘effectiveness of US sanctions’ were to blame for cutting Iran off from the banking network
  • But opponents including Trump say cash is ‘likely’ funding terrorism

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16 Comments on Obama administration admits paying entire $1.7billion Iran bill in CASH from little-known fund of taxpayer money

  1. Congress is pointless-why stop with having billions in presidential slush fund? Obama/Jarrett have been issuing unConstitutional EOs for 7 1/2 years and they haven’t been doing shit.

    He changes passed legislation at his whim. He’s spent $1.6 Billion on glamorous vacas. He rules by fiat and Congress sits mute-like a room full of mannequins.

    Congress should just call a permanent recess-they can keep their golden pensions and health care, we’ll be better off in long run.

  2. He learned from Hitlery and Bill how to steal. Anyone who thinks odinga didnt get half of that cash deposited in his own Indonesian micro account is a fool. Odinga is an insanely rich person of color by now.

  3. Congress has abdicated its responsibilities, as has the media, the educational community, and the Supreme Court.

    We really need to clean up DC and take our country back.

    Make America great again?
    Make America AMERICA again!

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. “Judgment Fund is taxpayer money Congress has permanently approved in the event it’s needed” WTF is that?
    How can something be permanently approved?
    How many other such funds are there?

    The. Republic. Is. Lost.

  5. Hey, congresscritters keepers of the public trust and treasury just how many little-known funds of taxpayer money have you granted to Obutthole? Inquiring minds want to know!

  6. Congress long ago abdicated their role and hasn’t lifted a finger (except to grab a microphone) to stop Obama’s treasonous financial support of islamic terrorism and those countries spreading it world wide.

    Congress is filled with gutless wonders…….they wonder where their next big fund raiser will be and how much special interest money they’ll get.
    The Congress’ primary interest is their re-election, “NOT” what is in the best interest of the US. Cowards and self-serving idiots.

  7. Attention Trailer Park Boys fans:

    On a recent vacation along the sunny shores of Lake Erie last month, we happened across a young man wearing a “LAHEY ’16” tee shirt. The campaign slogan was “Make America a Drinkie Poo.”

    The way things are going in DC, why the hell not?

  8. DC, all branches of government, is beyond help, and beyond being of importance to our nation. DC has become extraneous, diseased, and needs surgery to be removed from America. The people need to rise up and vote all these bastards out! If you are ‘inside the Loop’, you are out.

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