Obama Administration Launched Fewer Terror Ops Compared To Trump – IOTW Report

Obama Administration Launched Fewer Terror Ops Compared To Trump

Trump Is Launching Nearly Five Times As Many Counter Terror Ops As Obama


The U.S. has launched at least 100 counter-terrorism operations since Trump took office. Zenko compared this number to the mere 21 operations launched under former President Barack Obama in his last six months in office. These operations include raids by U.S. special operators, drone strikes, and other lethal actions.

The majority of the operations listed in Zenko’s analysis occurred in Yemen where the U.S. is actively battling an al-Qaida insurgency. Trump declared Yemen an “area of active hostilities” after taking office, which allows the military to carry out counterterrorism strikes without going through a White House-led approval process.

Zenko’s previous April analysis revealed that the U.S. averaged approximately one counterterrorism strike per day in the first 74 days of Trump’s presidency. “There is a sense among these commanders that they are able to do a bit more — and so they are,” a senior U.S. defense official said of the Trump administration in April.


ht/ all too much

3 Comments on Obama Administration Launched Fewer Terror Ops Compared To Trump

  1. Obummer Did’nt Give a Shit, Terrorism Was Another Word For Progress To The Evil One ! If The Military Did’nt Scare Obumma Shitless, He Would Have Run Zero Ops !!!

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