Obama and his Library-to-Be – IOTW Report

Obama and his Library-to-Be

obama library

AmericanThinker: Following in the footsteps and traditions of all recent U.S. presidents, Barack Hussein Obama, our embattled #44, is busily planning his legacy archives, to be domiciled in a place of his Obama Foundation’s choosing. 

Off-the-griddle scuttlebutt is that the site chosen is in fact Chicago, home of the man before he ascended to Messianic (in-)fallibility. Chicago, City of Broad Shoulders, a darling poetic inspiration of Carl Sandburg, second city in population after NYC (and hence the source of the comedic troupe and nightspot that has lent so many fantastic comics and hard-pitch terrific actors to SNL: Second City) — and now, the most corrupt burg in the country. Home of dozens of weekend murders. Home of the deplorably wretched mayor Rahm (“dead fish”) Emanuel, the least achieved of the otherwise stellar three Emanuel boys.

It saddens one. But what speculation fleeted through the whorls and crevices of the brain before this selection was apparently pinned down for Illinoisers to visit, once they’ve hit the superior Observatory, green Chicago River on St. Pat’s Day, legendary art museums and Millionaire’s Mile?  More


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