Obama and Putin Share Chilly Handshake – IOTW Report

Obama and Putin Share Chilly Handshake

At the economic leaders summit in Peru, Obama and Putin were a bit standoffish with each other.

Putin has already stated that he’s looking forward to meeting and working with president-elect Trump.


24 Comments on Obama and Putin Share Chilly Handshake

  1. Putin has said repeatedly that the Bushes and Obama have lied to Russia about what they are doing regarding limiting offense and defensive weapons between the two countries for the balance of power. No wonder Putin is so turned off by the Liar-in-Chief. Hell, if Gramma had won, the button would be pushed already, and i don’t mean “RESET”.

  2. For eight years, Barry the narcissist has dragged the United State, through a web of taqiya lies. Obama, in his delusional mind has always been in competition with Putin for world power. Being president just facilitated his goal to rule the world and establish a caliphate. Obama’s loyalty is only to Islam. No wonder Putin hates him.

  3. Who would have thought we would see the day when many of us think that the Russian president is more sincerely concerned about the future and well-being of our country, than our own. Go away obama, pack up your stuff, don’t steal anything. Have the place professionally cleaned sanitized sterilized disinfected. Esp the desk where your feet seemed to be half the time. Feet up on the furniture. Good lord the folks down at the local general store would yell at you if you did that in there. But the White House? Some things just show poor breeding and manners.

  4. Many say that Trump has a lot of work ahead of him fixing everything Obama has broken. I say he will do it just like he has fixed many other things in his life: ahead of schedule and under budget.

  5. Putin knows a pussyass liar when he meets one. It’s a mystery of life how we got through 8 years of this asshole without a confrontation with Russia.

    The lies, the provocations, the back handed crap he pulled in The Ukraine…man we dodged a hand grenade.

  6. Putin is simply being careful not to possibly be infected by some virus that runs rampant in the homosexual community. Putin knows judo and has a hoast of bodyguards but he should be grateful that Obozo didn’t bring his wookie. Things could have got ugly.

  7. Damn! Guess that is ANOTHER country that won’t House the Obama presidential library.

    Oh well, I guess Chicago is more appropriate as the Mafia and murder capital of the US. plus he’ll have the company of all his homies;
    the ILLEGALS there in the ‘sanctuary city’.

  8. I don’t think Putin should have done that. If I were him, be glad I’m not, I would have grabbed him on the shoulder looked right at him and said, “Your time’s almost up! Heh.” And kept walking.

  9. I would shake hands with him IF it would guarantee the end off all the progressive moon battery now and forever. Since that is impossible… NO! I would not shake his paw/hand.

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