Obama Appointed Judge Grants Nadler Grand Jury Material From Mueller Investigation – IOTW Report

Obama Appointed Judge Grants Nadler Grand Jury Material From Mueller Investigation

Conservative Tree House

There’s a clear set of battle lines now evident amid the ongoing political and legal dynamic: Nadler, Pelosi, Lawfare and the Deep State media -VS- Durham, Barr, Trump and the MAGA movement.

Playing directly into this dynamic today Obama appointed Judge Beryl Howell has ruled (full pdf below) an impeachment by unilateral decree is constitutionally valid; and as an outcome House Judiciary Committee Jerry Nadler can have access to some of the Mueller grand jury material that was used as evidence in the “Mueller-Weissmann Report”.  More

7 Comments on Obama Appointed Judge Grants Nadler Grand Jury Material From Mueller Investigation

  1. So they have nothing. Again. It’s the same report that found no criminal activity against Trump, etc.
    The judge is a POS who has a bromance with Weissman. More Kabuki theater.
    They’re just freaking out because FBI’s Baker is suddenly willing to talk about Weissman and spygate.
    And if he talks, so will others. Not to mention Sidney Powell is killing the FBI and proceeding to hand Weissman his own ass regarding Michael Flynn.

  2. @MJA October 26, 2019 at 10:36 am

    > Not to mention Sidney Powell is killing the FBI and proceeding to hand Weissman his own ass regarding Michael Flynn.

    Did anyone, actually, claim to believe that government judges don’t know that the government lies? All the time?

  3. @Fed-Up October 26, 2019 at 12:21 pm

    > So Americans basically have no rights because one unelected judge can take them away at whim

    Oh, noes! Americans have no rights (not basically), because Congress repealed them. Through “reasonable regulation”.


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