Obama-appointed judge strikes down Trump’s measures on firing poorly performing federal workers – IOTW Report

Obama-appointed judge strikes down Trump’s measures on firing poorly performing federal workers

BPR: President Donald Trump was dealt a blow by a U.S. federal judge who struck down key portions of his executive orders from May.

U.S. District Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson on Saturday struck down elements of key provisions in three executive orders signed by the president in May aimed at making it easier to fire federal employees and reduce their ability to bargain collectively, according to Reuters.

Several unions representing federal employees sued to bar the orders from taking effect and Jackson, of the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia, issued the court order Saturday.

The Obama-appointed judge ruled that while Trump had the authority to issue the executive orders on federal labor relations, the orders could not “eviscerate the right to bargain collectively.”

Administration officials had noted that the orders signed in May would allow government agencies to more easily remove employees with “poor” performance as well as obtain “better deals” in union contracts, according to Reuters.  read more

29 Comments on Obama-appointed judge strikes down Trump’s measures on firing poorly performing federal workers

  1. It’s time, tar and feathers, drag these delusional above the law jackass judges out in the street. While your at it, Do it with a San Fran facial. A walk up on all of them is only the way it needs to done from here on out. Conservatives stop being deceit, to these liberals pussies, thin their herd, only way to get a message to them and all the MSM as well. They use lies, and idiocy, time to use force on these mouthy childish pussies like the old way!

  2. @Toby
    I’m a gum’t worker, and I have to be extremely careful how I conduct my business on the job, or, I’m down the road. Where I work, folks are held to certain standards, but I’ll have to admit that White males are held to a stricter standard in the commie State of Oregon. BTW, I’m the lowest paid Marine Biologist on the Planet! 😉

  3. @moochoman August 25, 2018 at 5:41 pm

    > And we all know how well he’s working out.

    After eight, long, years of Obama, the economy sucks. There’s only so much “civil forfeiture” you can seize, when the banks and the taxman have already gleaned everybody over. Twice.

    At least, we’ll always have reefer madness.

  4. Its called tyranny of the judiciary! The fools in black dresses no longer uphold the provisions of the constitution as they have sprung a silent coup on we the citizens and have become self-appointed (or Hussein appointed), dictators!

  5. The scariest thing to me about all this, including the previous stories about the emails, is that the uniparty knows that far more citizens than ever before now see exactly what’s what and has a pretty good idea who’s who…but the uniparty is confident that we can’t/won’t do a thing about it except what the Brits do: tsk, whine, shake our heads, complain uselessly, then shut up again.

    They probably think that with good reason. If they can neutralize someone like Trump, the best possible option we have, they really have nothing to fear. All they need to do is wait him out. Next time they’ll be DAMN SURE someone like him doesn’t even get CLOSE to power.

    And then…and then they’ll punish us for daring to resist their will for us.

  6. Sarthurk- I don’t doubt that you do a good, comprehensive job. My complaint is to those who don’t and are aware of that.
    I have a job where everything I do is monitored and documented, both by myself and others. I know it ain’t easy. But, probably for you, it would be more difficult to do other than a good job. Just keep doing that, and also, keep doing this.

  7. Katanji Ughanki, Kuanta-Kinte, and the dash is not silent mutterflucker!

    “We’re on the long road, a hell of a long road,
    we’re on the road to God knows where.”

    WW1 British soldiers song.

  8. It is the constitutional purview of Congress to decide how the courts are configured. How many district courts. How many circuit courts. How many judges at each.
    How many Supreme Court justices

    Will they act? Not bloody likely.

    But how nice would it be to see the 9th circuit court cease to exist?

  9. @PHenry – Somewhere recently I read that there’s some consideration to splitting the 9th Circuit into perhaps three pieces. We’d then have the 9th, 12th, and 13th, it seems.

    I does seem odd that there’s a circuit (the 10th) for Wyoming, Utah, Colorado, Kansas, New Mexico, and Oklahoma serving roughly 16 million people, and the 9th covers 40 million in California alone, not even counting Oregon, Washington, Montana, Idaho, Nevada, Arizona, and Alaska.

    Yeah, 9th should be broken (no pun intended) up.

  10. I am sick and tired of the lazy phucking government employees that ‘can’t be fired’….. Bullshit!
    Simple common sense dictates that employees that fail to perform to a minimum acceptable standard should NOT remain employed.
    How phucking simple can it be??
    Just one of many reasons to abolish government unions.

  11. @grool August 25, 2018 at 6:04 pm

    > If they can neutralize someone like Trump, the best possible option we have, they really have nothing to fear.

    If Donald Trump, 1%of1%er because of The Party, who swears an oath to obey The Party, just not The Party’s choice for this, particular, posting, is, really, the best possible option we have, then they really, do, have nothing to fear.

  12. @grool. You’re more on point than you may realize. I made my usual sarcastic comment regarding the Gohmert/Mueller Unmasked piece. Having read the full 48 pg doc, I circled back to pg 17 re NSL abuse. Gohmert lays out point by point case(s) of the illegal tactics of which Clinton/Mueller/Comey FBI engaged.

    Gohmert notes his concerns “while serving on the Judicial Oversight Committee tasked with the power to shut down the unconstitutional actions”.

    Yet Eyes Wide Open Louie, (along with Devin Nunes), repeatedly vote aye to approve/renew FISA/NSL, whereby allowing an unfettered DOJ/FBI free reign to shred the 4th A.

    Bottom line… no member of Congress possesses the moral/ethical fortitude to restore/preserve the foundational sanctity for which greater men than they sacrificed.


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