Trump Tweets About Explosive Clinton Email Story, Warns He ‘May Have To Get Involved’ – IOTW Report

Trump Tweets About Explosive Clinton Email Story, Warns He ‘May Have To Get Involved’

Daily Caller: President Trump in a Saturday series of tweets accused the FBI of ignoring “tens of thousands” of “Crooked Hillary Emails” during the Clinton email investigation and warned that he “may have to get involved.”

“Big story out that the FBI ignored tens of thousands of Crooked Hillary Emails, many of which are REALLY BAD,” Trump tweeted. “Also gave false election info. I feel sure that we will soon be getting to the bottom of all of this corruption. At some point I may have to get involved!” more here

18 Comments on Trump Tweets About Explosive Clinton Email Story, Warns He ‘May Have To Get Involved’

  1. President Trump should demand Carlos Danger’s aka Anthony “Wiener-puller’s” actual computer better show up on his desk with all 694,000+ e-mails intact, so he can assemble a team of investigators he can trust to go through them, or there will be hell to be paid by anyone that handled it.

  2. He would not have sent that message unless the process is already in the works and the trap is set.
    Democrap’s October surprise? Nah….
    He’s got a September surprise prepared to knock them off balance for the general election BIG TIME! It’s kinda hard to run a campaign from a jail cell…

  3. TO Lazlo
    That’s what all Trump’s Executive Orders (e.g. Child Exploitation) were about.

    Their money is as good as gone.
    Tracking where’s it’s “being buried” is all part of the game.


  4. Between now and Labor Day I can’t imagine much happening, so I’m going to try to stay calm, cool, and collected till the Tuesday after. Too bad I don’t have Donald Trump’s phone number anymore, I’d call him up and if I can’t get him to pick up the pace a little.

  5. Joe we have all been there, just wait a little longer.
    It is a change of seasons.
    Follow Cazr’s links. Many things are happening that we do not know about. Back off of Q and follow Sundance,Wictor,ect.
    And listen to P.Trump.
    PS if things do not change I am right there with you.


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