Obama Asked – “Even if we’re wrong about global warming, isn’t a good thing that we go green?” – IOTW Report

Obama Asked – “Even if we’re wrong about global warming, isn’t a good thing that we go green?”

The answer is no, because the government isn’t “wrong,” they’re lying. That’s two different things.

They know their data is rigged, and it was rigged in order to divert money away from wealthy countries to poorer countries in the name of “global fairness.”

The IPCC won’t be satisfied until they get the most important feather in their cap – The United States.

Obama stood before the world and said all the scientists agree, at least all the important leftist ones, that the earth is in crisis.

But satellite data tells a different story. That’s why the global warmists have put together a slick, expensive film about how the satellites are lying.

For a meaningless percentage of “deniers” the warmists certainly seem very, very concerned.


20 Comments on Obama Asked – “Even if we’re wrong about global warming, isn’t a good thing that we go green?”

  1. Obama Asked – “Even if we’re wrong about global warming, isn’t a good thing that we go green?”


    And stop it with this “trying to destroy modern civilization” thing.


  2. If you are on the receiving end of the money that is stolen from middle class and poor citizens it SURE IS A GOOD THING. For the other 99% it kind of sucks that you take society backwards and it costs us more.

  3. Count up the number of earthquakes/tornados/hurricanes/floods/lightningstrikes/centimeters of ice melt/etc.

    Have people bet on that number like the powerball.

    There’s your volunteer funding. Leave the rest of us alone.

  4. Alley Oop was ‘the roughest, toughest cat around’….hardly describe our present ‘Commander in Queef’

    ….more like ‘Alley Man Hoe’, Queen of the Golf links

  5. Obama can’t even keep his dogs from shitting on the White House rugs. But he’s gonna “save” the planet. LOL! I want the Earth to open up and take him down. WAY DOWN…

  6. I will go green when I see assholes like him peddaling his ass across the ocean on a bicycle carrying his own luggage, or peddaling his own shit from a store. Pretty easy to tell people what to do when you don’t intend to live by your own dictats, eh Obysmal?

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