Obama, Ayers, and the Muslim Connection to Common Core – IOTW Report

Obama, Ayers, and the Muslim Connection to Common Core

common core


Bill Ayers, the unrepentant, 1960s, bomb-throwing, self-professed “small c communist” and college professor who founded an education-reform group in Chicago, which he co-chaired with Barack Obama, has long ties to terrorism and education. This combination could prove deadly for the future of American education and possibly for the future of America. These connections run deep.

Ayers and Obama served on the Woods Fund, a Marxist charity which provided start-up capital to community organizer and Rules for Radicals author Saul Alinsky. When Obama’s friendship with Ayers became a campaign issue, candidate Obama distanced himself from Ayers, referring to him dismissively as “a guy who lives in my neighborhood.” For “two ships that pass in the night,” Obama and Ayers share some of the same friends; among them, the America-hating pastor Jeremiah Wright and education-reform guru Linda-Darling Hammond, a former Obama spokesperson who was endorsed by Ayers for Secretary of Education and just happens to have had a hand in creating Common Core “state” standards. The California school Hammond founded has since had to close because of failing grades. more

8 Comments on Obama, Ayers, and the Muslim Connection to Common Core

  1. Good Lord, thank you Carrigan, this is a good story. I’m making copies. This should be in every damn newspaper. I hope to God we can get damned Muslims out of our government, our schools, our churches, our cemeteries and out of our country with the next president.

  2. “This combination could prove deadly for the future of American education and possibly for the future of America”

    Really??? No shit Sherlock-it’s already proven deadly for our future.

    Because of the NEA, we have been turning out millions of gadgetfied zombies for generations. You think this is happenstance? These motherfucking commies know full and well they must get our children early and indoctrinate them with REgressive ideology.

    And it’s non stop from the moment they start. Religion bashing, acceptance and WORSHIP of deviant life choices, history rewriting, destruction of traditional American values, all of it, every fucking single bit is designed to alienate our children from our country.

    HTF do you think a worthless POS like Obama was elected(besides massive voter fraud)? HTF is Hillary even in the running or a scumbag moron socialist(but I repeat myself) poised to take her place?

    How? In a word, the teacher’s unions. If you want real permanent change, they must be destroyed as a viable political force. Scott Walker has showed if you remove the forced collection of dues, almost 70% of teachers opt out.

    It’s a partnership made in hell between the democrat Party and the NEA-government passes laws to force teachers to join a union and pay dues, the dues are collected and are used exclusively to promote democrats. Lather, rinse, repeat.

    Why do you think POS #2, Ayers, went into education? A bomb throwing coward who said 25,000,000 unreeducatables would need to be executed, to promote traditional America values?????

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