Obama Betrays the U.S. and Ensures Iran is a Screw Turn from Having Nuclear Weapons – IOTW Report

Obama Betrays the U.S. and Ensures Iran is a Screw Turn from Having Nuclear Weapons

Obama is going to prove to the world that we are Islamophobic when we say muslims can’t be trusted with nukes, all the while knowing what a nuclear Iran means. It means Israel will be wiped out.

Obama Admin Gives Green Light for Iran to Build Two New Nuclear Plants.

Free Beacon- 

Iran is permitted to pursue the construction of two newly announced nuclear plants under the parameters of last summer’s nuclear agreement, Obama administration officials informed the Washington Free Beacon, setting the stage for Tehran to move forward with construction following orders from President Hassan Rouhani.

Ali Salehi, Iran’s top nuclear official, announced on Thursday that Iran has invested $10 billion into the construction of two new nuclear plants after receiving orders from Rouhani, according to reports in Iran’s state-controlled media.

A State Department official said to the Free Beacon following the announcement that Iran is allowed to move forward with this venture under the nuclear agreement, which does not prohibit this type of nuclear construction.

One senior congressional adviser who works with a range of key offices on the issue said to the Free Beacon that all of this is part of an Obama administration effort to help Iran become a legitimate player in the global nuclear trade.

“The Obama administration seems committed to making Iran into a nuclear power,” the source said. “They’ve purchased heavy water from the Iranians, as if the Iranians were legitimate nuclear suppliers, which they’re not. They’ve made excuses for Iran seeking to procure nuclear parts from Germany and elsewhere. And now they’re celebrating Iran building full-blown reactors.”

“All of this is the exact opposite of what they promised Congress, and for good reason, since Congress is committed to ensuring Iran never gets the infrastructure to be a screw turn away from a nuke,” the source said.


ht/ fdr in hell

16 Comments on Obama Betrays the U.S. and Ensures Iran is a Screw Turn from Having Nuclear Weapons

  1. For your friends and relations who still doubt.

    If it were proved he is a Mohammedan bent on using the Left to weaken the U.S. and strengthen global Islam, would he be doing anything differently?

  2. If Israel becomes involved in a nuclear exchange with Iran, I see no problem with Israel doing the same thing to Washington, D.C.

    We, the USA, are the enemy in this case and we share joint responsibility with Iran in attacking Israel.

  3. Israel won’t be destroyed if Iran goes nuclear. The Mullahs and other assorted assholes in charge in Tehran don’t have the finesse or the intelligence services Israel has. You can bet that just before Iran makes it’s move, Israel would make hers and the better part of Iran and likely parts of Iraq will be gone. The world will stomp it’s tiny little feet and the other arab nations will mightily condemn Israel (but will secretly breath a big sigh of relief that the Persians are no longer a threat) and there would be some diplomatic condemnations but it would all die down when Israel releases proof of Iranian intent and capability as well as Iraqi complicity and the UN busies itself handing out blankets and MRE’s and patting itself on the back for being so kind. Israel will never again walk meekly into the ovens.

  4. Obola and the forces of Evil are running out of time.

    Clinton, regardless of the “polls,” isn’t a “shoe-in” and much of the world knows it. The “Sword and Shield” of izlam (ISIS and nuclearized Iran) must be firmly established before that time runs out, for they may not be permitted the opportunity, again. Obola and the Media have unleashed the hounds of propaganda, and no longer give a fuck who knows how crooked and corrupt they are. This is their last-ditch effort – like trying to kill all the remaining Jews and destroy the evidence at Auschwitz before the Russians arrived.

    Didn’t work then; won’t work now.

    izlamo delenda est …

  5. Hitler’s Arabs are itching to do in one afternoon what Hitler took six years to do.
    Make no mistake about it.
    Hitler’s Arabs have also been crafty enough to compromise the United States with a closet Muzlim Mallard controlled by an Iranian handler, a Secretary of State with an Iranian assistant, a White House full of Muzlim appointees and a bought and paid for media. They learned well from Joseph Goebbels and “There will be Hell to pay” as one of them said…
    Yes, if Israel takes out Washington DC won’t surprise me one bit.
    Israel ain’t goin’ down, and they won’t simply wait on the sidelines while Iran builds nukes and missiles and the United States helps them!!

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