Obama commutes sentence of Chelsea Manning – IOTW Report

Obama commutes sentence of Chelsea Manning

It pays to be a freak.

45 Comments on Obama commutes sentence of Chelsea Manning

  1. Now if Snowden would merely tuck his privates behind his legs, don women’s clothing, and start singing show tunes he’ll get commuted next!

    Is Assange gonna let himself come to the U.S. now?

  2. Sickening. Who wants that out on the streets? Many more to come in the last hours.
    Shrillery at about 5 minutes to noon on Friday will get her pardon. Can you pardon someone who has not been charged officially? Oh, wait! What would Obama care about the rule of law?

  3. @joe6pack.

    It will be Trumpsgiving at this household on Friday. The celebratory discharge of weapons at 12:01 followed by feast and drink.

    Forgiveness requested in advance for any drunken comments on this blog. It’ll be a giddy time.

  4. @Reina

    Shows what a failure he/she/it is. Any halfwit can kill themself if they try hard enough. Obviously it was all stagecraft.

    But now he’ll have her own show on Homo and Garden TV or wherever the kardashians appear.

  5. Meanwhile, a Marine used an unsecure network to warn fellow Marines of an impending attack. Saved their lives. The Marine was prosecuted. Is that limp wristed bone smoking commie traitor faggot Obumphuck going to pardon the Marine? Sorry. Got a little emotional there. Obama may not be limp wristed.

  6. This is what this fucker should be tagged with and follow him around till the day he passes. With every mention of his name it should be noted that this was the man that pardoned a transsexual traitor who passed millions of both classified and unclassified files to a foreign national. Every. Damn. Time. The one thing to remember is that he can only pardon federal crimes and while this gave Manning a get out of jail free card this time I’m sure she/he will probably end up dead someplace (likely San Francisco) in a few years when they realize what they’ve done.

  7. This freak would not have been accepted in the Army prior to Ocorpseman becoming the Dear Leader and Poofter In Chief. Manning is a traitor. He deserved the death sentence, not a sex change operation paid for by the government. Will Hillary Clinton be next? Ethel Rosenberg? Bergdahl? Trump can’t start eradicating Legacyman’s eight years sooner than Friday at twelve o’clock, but I think he will be inspired by these last minute acts of stupidity and pettiness. God speed, Donald Trump.

  8. Barry commuting sentences of his fellow deviant criminal compadres in the eleventh hour is no surprise. Barry’s just setting in stone his legacy as a traitor.
    However, you can be assured Trump will be pardoning patriots falsely accused by the Obama administration. Payback can be sweet.

  9. “Chelsea” was not convicted of anything, some dude named “Bradley” was. So long as Bradley stays in jail, I’m OK with the chicks sentence being commuted.

    Any guess as to what the actual order uses for a name? I doubt it officially commutes some chick named “Chelsea”.

    Facts matter, no matter how much the left denies science.

  10. @Marco: Unless I’m mistaken, Manning hasn’t had his sex change operation yet. So hopefully the commutation and release means that it will no longer qualify to be done at taxpayer’s expense. I doubt if Manning will be able to afford it himself (herself?).

    Every dark cloud has a silver lining, you know.


  11. I imagine Miz Manning, or whatever he is, will be looking over his shoulder for a long time to come — and not the way he’d like to.
    He’ll soon meet an angry soldier who will let him know how we all feel.

  12. @oolook: A pardon wipes out the conviction, while a commutation leaves the conviction intact but wipes out the punishment. Commutation is a form of clemency. By commuting the sentence, you are saying the crime wasn’t forgiven, but the penalty has been reduced.

  13. Viet Vet: You are right. I was getting ahead of Bradley’s Fundamental Sexual Transformation. Why the government would start referring to anyone but the name they were booked into for their incarceration is preposterous. This is worse than Clinton’s pardon of Marc Rich. It will be a stain on Omohamid’s shit stained drenched galabia forevermore.

  14. That the media refers to him by his alias Chelsea infuriates me. Dude’s name is Bradley. He’s using pee pee politics to muddle the issue and distract from his treason. That includes Fox News.

    It’s Bradley. Bradley Manning.

  15. Here is a question that probably needs to be answered, because the men who wrote the constitution probably would have found it inconceivable for the chied executive of the country: can a president commit treason with a pardon?

    Suppose one pardons one for treason, and then the pardoned criminal continues his treasonous ways, or he frees a foreign enemy in times of war, and the enemy returns to makw war?

  16. Yeah, and his (And I mean his… Nothing pisses me off more than calling him a ‘she’.) lawyer said that him getting out was a matter of life or death.

    Riiiiight. So let every mentally disturbed self-mutilators who also display mental illness with multiple suicide attempts out. They’re TOTALLY going to go on to be productive members of society, and not snowflake leach criminals at all…


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