Obama Considering Sandoval For SCOTUS – IOTW Report

Obama Considering Sandoval For SCOTUS

Okay, someting wong. It’s a trap.

Sandoval is not a complete disaster pick. He is, however, a social liberal, and that’s what the left is banking on. (Let’s face it, when it comes to SCOTUS that’s all you need to be for the left, a social liberal. And maybe they have pictures of him with a donkey out in the Nevada desert, just to make sure he rolls over.)

I suspect this is only a carrot dangle to get the squishy end of the GOP, like McTurtle, to act like they would accept a Sandoval, and then the Dems will switch the nominee and say, “you were just ready to accept a Sandoval, what happened to no picks until the new president gets in?”


13 Comments on Obama Considering Sandoval For SCOTUS

  1. Yes, it is a trap. The senate will follow Obama’s path and filibuster their own nomination, the nominee will withdraw and then Obama will nominate Squaw Warren or some other minority and claim republicans hate women, minorities and the constitution.

    Don’t take the bait Mitch.

  2. He is a pro abortion amnesty loving Latino that loves Obamacare that was recommended by Harry Reid, nominated by the rock solid conservative (haha!) George W and passed the Senate unanimously!

    Perfect illustration of what Blount was talking about!

  3. (Note: If it plays out this way, remember: You heard it here first.)

    Here is how the nomination for Justice Antonin Scalia’s successor comes together with Hillary Clinton’s candidacy:

    1. The FBI makes a criminal referral to the DOJ for Hillary’s e-mail crimes.

    2. Attorney General Loretta Lynch announces that the DOJ is indicting Hillary on the charges specified by the FBI.

    3. That this hands Bernie Sanders the Democrat nomination is irrelevant to Obama. He does not care who succeeds him, and especially does not want the first woman President to immediately
    succeed the first Black President, anyway. OTOH, it gives room for Biden to be begged (koff, koff) to enter the race.

    4. Once the wheels of justice are turning to topple HRC, Obama then nominates Lynch to the Supreme Court, and the Republicans are faced with rejecting a nominee who just proved her devotion to the law by indicting Hillary Clinton. The Republicans will cave. Almost immediately. As usual.

    5. But don’t worry, the fix is in. After the November election, when Lynch has been sitting on the Court for months and the election drama is finally ended, Obama pardons Hillary for everything and garners massive acclaim from all the Left and all the old-line media.

    6. On Jan. 20, President Sanders is sworn in. Or maybe President Biden. Doesn’t matter.

    – Donald Sensing Sense of Events


  4. I pointed this out to a few in the last week, the Repubs screwed themselves right off by not DEMANDING Obama nominated a Scalia to replace Scalia. Now they’ll get a liberal with one conservative credential, and Obama and the Dems and the media will bash their heads in over it.
    I expect a Justice Sandoval to be sworn in by the end of July.

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