Obama Cuts $300 Million From Anti-Terror Budget – IOTW Report

Obama Cuts $300 Million From Anti-Terror Budget

Obama Face

TR: Associated Press is reporting that the White House has proposed a nearly $300 million cut to the U.S.’s counterterrorism efforts.

In the 2017 budget just released, the Urban Area Security Initiative (UASI), which funds programs in U.S. cities for prevention of terrorism as well as response and recovery, would be cut from $600 million to $330 million. It’s a proposition that has angered Democratic Sen. Charles Schumer (NY).

He issued the following statement in response:  

10 Comments on Obama Cuts $300 Million From Anti-Terror Budget

  1. Hw big is his proposed budget — how many umpteen trillions? and he CUTS the $$ for anti-terrorism !

    As far as I am concerned, every fucking $ of welfare can be eliminated. DO NOT CARE if they starve — and does any of our poor welfare queens look like they are starving?

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